When should I implement a PIM solution? 


PIM Solution should be implemented for making your business run smoothly and successfully. Especially for those businesses involved in multi-channel retailing implementing a PIM solution would be the best way to stay in the competition and gain a competitive edge. 

Once you decide to implement the PIM solution, you need to be cautious about certain factors. All those factors which require special attention for implementing a PIM system are briefed below.  

Why should I implement a PIM solution? 

Product information management (PIM) has become a part of digital marketing strategy. It has helped the IT managers and business executives work on business development processes. 

Product information management Solution can be considered as a part of business deals and can help the business grow by offering the following reasons. 

Data quality can be improved to overcome business challenges. 

All the digital channels can be managed flawlessly. 

To improve customer experience and to extend the customer network 

It helps in improving site search and navigation methods. 

It certainly helps in expanding the business and having faster growth. 

Allows focusing on the targets and achieving the objectives 

To boost the business at every level and to enhance the team productivity 

When should I implement a PIM solution? 

Most commonly people ask if I need a PIM system. So you need to understand the situations when the PIM system should be implemented for better results.  

  1. A Large number of stock-keeping units:

PIM is mainly used when you have a large number of stock-keeping units (SKUs) and managing such units is a huge task mainly when various products are displayed on multiple channels. PIM systems can be easily implemented and allow business operations with flexibility. 

  1. Products with common attributes. 

PIM Solution is highly useful and can easily implement when you have a set of products having common features. You need to store the product information in a systematic manner and by offering correct and accurate information. The PIM system allows storing product attributes aggregately instead of storing individual information of products. 

  1. E-commerce entrepreneurship:

PIM is also useful when you want to sell products on several digital channels. To be a successful e-commerce entrepreneur you have to manage your products online and have interactions with the customers using various digital channels. Online business transactions have become user-friendly and easier to operate. The PIM system helps in every online transaction by offering much-needed assistance and support. 

  1. Create a brand:

To expand the business and extend the customer network, you have to create your brand in terms of Omnichannel. It helps in improving customer loyalty and can help in identifying the products and being a part of Omnichannel can separate physical features from the digital display. Most of the customers interact using multiple channels to find more about the brands available. You have to offer the best of services to the customers who are willing to buy the products. 

  1. Offer the best customer experience:

The customer experience (CX) is a highly important factor while running the business. According to a recent B2B survey, 96% of participants feel customer experience plays a very important role in business development. If the customers do not feel happy about the services offered it will affect the business. In the competitive world, today offering the customer the best of services will always help in growing the business in a short period. Word of mouth is the best tool to get more customers. 

  1. Conquer the market dynamically:

The international market is highly beneficial for online retailers. While offering E-Commerce facilities to customers at all different levels and offering the best of services will always help the business to grow dynamically. It offers specific e-commerce tools that are useful in cross-border business ventures.  

It also offers multi-language support which is useful in various processes of translations and also for offering local support to the people across the Nations. The online business can be expanded in many different countries and can capture the markets dynamically. It will help you to get opportunities in the e-commerce business. 

  1. To Move Omni Channel:

Omnichannel is considered the future of the e-Commerce Industry since it manages to deliver a consistent brand experience to the customers. Modern consumers are hard to differentiate as “offline customers” and “online customers”. Because they have the option of approaching brands via multiple channels, brands need to be very attentive and cautious in delivering a better and consistent shopping experience to their consumers in all channels.  

The PIM system acts as a backbone for all kinds of robust multichannel and omnichannel philosophies. It enables businesses to deliver the desired brand experience to their consumers in all channels consistently.   

Do’s and Don’ts While Implementing PIM Solution 

As mentioned before, PIM implementation is not an easy task. It requires more focus, determination and cautiousness while implementing the PIM system. The list of do’s and don’ts is long but some of the important ones are discussed below. 

The data stored can be checked carefully and the required technical integration should be implemented between ERP and PIM. 

A strong relationship between business and IT management should be established for better business opportunities. 

The entire project can be managed using strong anchoring and having ownership authority. 

Every step should be managed with patience. PIM integration also requires time and managing a realistic schedule by controlling predictable frustration. 

Implementation of the PIM system requires time and also money. The entire project should be managed well as a part of the investment. 

Plan and execute the project in a simple manner instead of going for higher technology and an expensive budget. Make use of the resources as per the requirement by controlling the expenses. 

The entire implementation process should be carried out as per the work schedule and budget. Manage the project step by step. Do not postpone the activities and keep the expenses under your control.  

Choose the most simple and effective solutions while implementing Pimcore procedures. 

What To Remember? 

The Product Information Management (PIM) system is not compulsorily needed for every business but it can help you to grow your business honestly by offering complete transparency. The PIM system is mainly useful on the platforms that support online sales that offer quality product information.  

If you are clear on expanding your business to sell more products on multi-channels to oversea countries, then implementing a PIM system would be the right option to go. It gives you the advantage and keeps you ahead in the competitive game. Moreover, PIM solutions play a crucial role in achieving breakthrough business growth.  


To run a business successfully, PIM Solution should be implemented without any delay at right time and in a suitable way. The PIM techniques are useful in expanding the business across multiple channels and by keeping a track of inventory with each and understanding.  

The PIM system helps to streamline every business operation and allows the business to grow rapidly within a short period of time. The multi-channel retailers can make use of high-quality PIM systems and can remain on the top in the competitive world today.  


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