How Many Sectors Are There in Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing

According to the latest statistics, 93% of people in the world have their own mobile phone (both smart and feature phones), and 63% of people use the internet. So it is easily assumable that online platforms will be the next marketing arena.

Following this, Bangladeshi marketers are now focusing more on digital marketing than ever before. So whether you are searching for the best digital marketing agency in Bangladesh or want to explore the scopes of digital marketing, this blog is for you.

Here we have discussed digital marketing sectors in Bangladesh in detail.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is conducting all the marketing activities through digital platforms and devices. It also includes promoting the brand to connect with potential customers through digital channels.

Generally, businesses use websites, social media platforms, search engines, mobile devices, and many other channels to reach customers through digital marketing.

Digital marketing reduced the cost of marketing for all businesses at a significant level, and at the same time, its efficiency has increased.

Hence businesses and organizations can’t think of marketing their product and services without digital marketing. So if you are an owner of a business, it is high time you should make an efficient digital marketing policy for your business.

How Many Sectors Are There in Digital Marketing?

Well, digital marketing has many different sectors. Each has significance for particular businesses. To determine which is perfect for your business, you must know all these sectors or types of digital marketing. 

Some of the prominent sectors are given below:

Search Engine Optimization:

Search engine optimization is the technique to get a good rank of your content on the SERP or search engine result pages. Google uses its algorithm to find the most relevant content for specific search results and then shows the content on the top results.

SEO helps to get this rank by which a business can get the highest number of organic traffics or visitors who are its potential customers.

Search Engine Marketing:

Search engine marketing is one type of paid advertisement to rank on top of the search results. It’s very effective, and businesses can also get huge potential customers. When you search for a product or service, you can see ads on top of the results, mainly from search engine marketing.

Social Media Marketing:

Around 4.62 billion people use social media in the world. So, a huge number of sales can be generated from here. You will get many sponsored posts of products and services on Facebook, Messenger, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc., which are part of social media marketing.

Besides, businesses use business pages and share photos, and videos of their products and services, using the social media marketing strategy.

Content Marketing

Content is the king in digital marketing. There are different types of content that you can use to conduct marketing of your products and services. 

For instance, blog posts, videos, images, music, apps, games, etc. By following content marketing procedures, businesses share different types of content on their websites to engage more customers as well as improve their brand presence.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing is the process of selling another business’s products and services by promoting your websites or platforms using affiliate links. Nowadays, it has become a very popular type of digital marketing.

Businesses usually offer a good amount of commission to sell their products through affiliate marketing.

Email Marketing:

Email marketing is an older form of digital marketing in which businesses send invites and advertisements to potential customers through email. Recently, there are many automated tools by which companies can regularly send this promotional mail to thousands of people simultaneously.

Mobile Marketing:

Mobile marketing refers to reaching the potential customers of a business through smartphones. We all have smartphones; it is easier for companies to reach customers by defining the devices they use.

Enterprises use text messages, mobile application links, website links, etc., to grab potential customers. It’s also called SMS marketing.


These are the most powerful sectors of digital marketing. Using these areas of digital marketing will surely bring the highest traffics. Now, as you know all these sectors, you can easily choose the most appropriate and useful one for your business according to its needs. On the other hand, if you hire one, you should ensure that the company serves it all, as mentioned above.


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