Educational Technology importance in learning & teaching


as made Education very interesting for students of young generation. So for effective teaching in a quite new style all the teachers must need to learn more about how to use technology. Teachers and professors must learn to use the technological equipments and tools effectively. Teachers should develop students understanding in every study topic by the maximum use of technology. They must learn how to engage students in online study and how to gain their interest. It will improve the student’s subject skills. Teachers can use technology with different strategies which will clear the concepts of students. They can have better access to learning by the use of modern technology. 

Now all educational institutes implement useful computational tools. These institutes make it sure that both the and students have better access to technology. In these educational institutes, multimedia devices or other audio video tools have been widely installed so that students can get better understanding of knowledge and can clear the concepts. These multimedia devices have provided very speedy and productive results.  

Once upon a time, students and teachers both used to go to schools and classrooms for study purposes. But now they can clear their doubts and concepts by sitting at home using technology. Now education is not only limited to schools and colleges, students can learn anywhere any time. 

Distance learning education is available to those students who cannot come to attend classes regularly because of their job or other issues. They can attend the classes more or less. 

Without technology, teachers can tell only what they know. They can’t tell more than their knowledge. We can say that students can’t get knowledge higher than that of their teachers. However, because of technology this concept is no longer true. Now each student has access to internet, so if he does not like the content of his , or if he wants to gain more knowledge, he can simply get it from internet. They can search their particular topics from different websites. 

Teachers can convert the boring lectures into something exciting & interesting by using multimedia and power point presentations or some clips. Teachers can teach online by using different applications like Google Class room, Google forum or video lectures. This will increase the student’s interest.  

Students & teachers use the same technology on regular basis which means that teachers will talk to Students in their language and can make a better strong bond with them. They can develop better understanding. So it is not a bad deal to use technological tools which supports distant learning. Technology also provides vast opportunities.  


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