Disadvantages Of Being A Freemason


Are you considering joining the Freemasons? While it may seem appealing to be part of a secret society with mysterious rituals and symbols, there are some significant drawbacks to being a member. In this blog post, we’ll explore the disadvantages of being a Freemason that you should consider before taking the plunge. From restrictions on your freedom to associations with cult-like behavior, read on to discover what you need to know about this secretive organization.

Freemasons have a secret handshake

One of the most well-known aspects of being a Freemason is their secret handshake. This gesture is used to identify fellow members and demonstrate loyalty to the organization. While it may seem harmless, this practice can be seen as exclusionary and even elitist.

The use of secret handshakes reinforces the idea that Freemasonry is an exclusive club with its own set of rules and practices. As a member, you are expected to prioritize your allegiance to the group over other relationships or affiliations.

Furthermore, while secret handshakes may be fun for those in-the-know, they can also be alienating for outsiders who feel excluded from these private rituals. This sense of secrecy can create an us-versus-them mentality that goes against the principles of openness and inclusivity.

While some may find the idea of having a secret handshake appealing, it ultimately promotes exclusivity rather than inclusivity. If you value transparency and equal treatment for all individuals regardless of affiliation or status, then joining a society like Freemasonry may not align with your values.

Freemasons are not allowed to be members of other secret societies

One of the disadvantages of being a Freemason is that members are not allowed to join other secret societies. This rule stems from the belief that Freemasonry is the only true and complete system of morality, which means joining another organization would be seen as disloyal.

While this may seem like a small inconvenience, it can limit an individual’s opportunities for personal growth and connection with others who share similar interests. Additionally, some secret societies may offer unique benefits or opportunities that cannot be found within Freemasonry.

It’s important to note that this rule does not apply to social organizations such as fraternities or sororities. However, any group with secrets or rituals beyond simple camaraderie is off-limits for Masons.

Some argue that this strict adherence to exclusivity goes against the principles of tolerance and diversity preached by many Masonic lodges. Others defend it as necessary for preserving the traditions and integrity of Freemasonry itself.

Regardless of one’s opinion on the matter, it remains a reality for those who choose to enter into membership in the fraternity. It’s up to each individual member whether they view this restriction as a disadvantage or simply another aspect of being part of an exclusive and centuries-old organization.

Freemasons are not allowed to criticize the Masonic order

One of the biggest disadvantages of being a Freemason is the fact that members are not allowed to criticize the organization. This rule, known as “the cable tow,” prohibits members from speaking out against any aspect of Masonry.

This can be problematic for those who may have genuine concerns or criticisms about certain practices or traditions within the order. In some cases, it can even create an environment where abuse and misconduct are swept under the rug, making it difficult for victims to come forward.

Furthermore, this rule goes against one of the core values of many societies: freedom of speech. It’s important to note that while constructive criticism can often lead to positive change and growth within an organization, Freemasons are expected to keep any negative opinions they may have to themselves.

Ultimately, this lack of transparency and openness can make some people feel uncomfortable joining or remaining in such a secretive organization.

Freemasons use secret symbols and language

One of the most intriguing aspects of Freemasonry is their use of secret symbols and language. Freemasons have a long history of using unique symbols to communicate with each other. These symbols are often hidden in plain sight, making them difficult for outsiders to understand.

The most well-known symbol associated with Freemasonry is the square and compasses. This symbol represents the tools that Masons use to build their moral character. Another common symbol used by Masons is the letter “G,” which stands for God or geometry.

In addition to these physical symbols, Freemasons also use a complex system of allegories and rituals to convey important messages. These rituals involve various objects, gestures, and phrases that are only known to members of the order.

While some may view this secrecy as suspicious or even sinister, many Masons argue that it serves an important purpose. By keeping certain knowledge exclusive to members, they believe they can better preserve its integrity and prevent it from being misused or misunderstood.

While the secretive nature of Freemasonry may be off-putting to some people, it remains an integral part of their tradition and culture.

Freemasonry is a cult

It is important to understand that while Freemasonry may have its benefits and appeal to some individuals, it also has several disadvantages. The secrecy surrounding the organization can create mistrust and suspicion among non-members, leading to negative perceptions of Freemasons as a group.

Furthermore, the restrictions on membership in other secret societies and criticism of Masonic order can limit an individual’s freedom of association and expression. The use of secret symbols and language may appear exclusionary or even elitist to outsiders.

Some critics argue that Freemasonry operates as a cult-like organization due to its strong emphasis on hierarchy, ritualistic practices, and strict adherence to certain beliefs. While this view is certainly contested by many within the organization itself, it underscores the potential risks associated with becoming involved in any secretive society or group.

Ultimately, whether or not one chooses to become a Freemason must be based on careful consideration of both the advantages and disadvantages involved – including those listed here – before making a decision.


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