Diabetes and Dental Care: A Brief Guide to a Healthy Mouth


High blood sugar can affect your whole body; including gums and teeth. Good news? The prevention is in your hands. Diabetes or high blood sugar is a common problem and is largely controllable. But with diabetes, our entire body can get affected and it’s up to us to take the preventive measures.


Gum and tooth diseases can be more frequent when you have diabetes, whether type 1 or type 2. Diseases like tooth decay, gingivitis, and other problems may shoot up if you do not take proper care of your teeth. 


So, here, we have come up with some preventive measures you can follow. However, it’s important to visit your dentist regularly, particularly if you have diabetes. If you are looking for a reliable dentist in Canberra, you can always connect with us. 


Common Oral Problems for People With Diabetes

Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, managing it is the key to a healthy mouth. Some common oral problems that show with people with diabetes are:


Your mouth naturally contains many types of bacteria. When the essences and sugars in food and beverages interact with these bacteria, the sticky film shapes the teeth in a known manner. Plaque acids attack the surface of your teeth (enamel and dentin). This can cause cavity and gum disease. As blood sugar levels rise, so does the supply of sugar and starch-tooth will put more acid. 

Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) 

Diabetes decreases your ability to fight bacteria. If you don’t brush your teeth regularly and use floss to remove plaque, it can harden the gums and turn into tartar. Your teeth will have a long plaque and tartar, irritating the gums around the base of the gums. In time, your gums become inflamed and will be bleeding faster. This is called gingivitis. 


If left untreated, gingivitis can cause a very serious bacterium called periodontitis, which can break down weak tissues and bones that support teeth. Finally, periodontitis is caused by the gums and bones sticking out of the teeth. Gingivitis is often more severe in people with diabetes because diabetes reduces their ability to resist infection and delay healing. Infections, such as periodontitis, can also increase blood sugar levels, making it harder to control diabetes. 



Proper Dental Care

You should always take diabetes and dental care seriously to prevent damage to your teeth and gums: Carry out your diabetes management responsibilities. Take care of your sugar intake levels and follow your instructions to keep your blood sugar levels within normal range. The better you control your blood sugar, the less likely you are to develop gingivitis and other dental problems.


Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Wash your teeth in the morning, night and long after meals and snacks. Use a soft toothbrush that contains fluoride and soft toothpaste. Avoid strong brushes as it can irritate the gums. Consider using an electric toothbrush, especially if you have osteoarthritis or other problems that make it difficult to clean. 


Visit your dentist regularly. Check with your dentist at least twice a year for professional advice, x-rays, and tests. Make sure your dentist knows you have diabetes. Or,  every time you go to the dentist, you need to remind him of your diabetes. Make sure your dentist has contact information to help you prevent your diabetes. 


Check for early signs of gum disease. Tell your dentist if you have symptoms of gum disease – including redness, swelling, and poor blood flow. Discuss any signs and symptoms such as dry mouth, toothache, or sore mouth. 


Quit smoking. Smoking increases the risk of developing diabetes-related problems, such as chewy gum, and ultimately weight loss. If you smoke, talk to your doctor about options that can help you quit smoking. 


It is a lifelong commitment to fight dental issues if you have diabetes. Your efforts will be rewarded with a lifetime of good teeth and health. Some preventive actions have been suggested above, however, a reliable dentist in Canberra can make a more detailed plan to for you to prevent and fight diabetes and maintain a healthy mouth.  


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