Common Health Effects of Air Pollution and how to Avoid Them

air pollution

Air pollution is a familiar environmental problem faced by many regions in India. In general, air pollution is a mixture of hazardous substances emitted into the air. These are mostly human-made with a tinge of natural resources. 

Fuel oils, vehicle emissions, natural gas to heat homes, by-products of manufacturing and power generation, particularly coal-fueled power plants, and fumes from chemical products are the primary sources of human-made air pollution.

Whereas, ash and gases from volcanic eruptions; and gases, like methane, which are emitted from decomposing organic matter in soils are the natural reasons for air pollution. Collectively they result in poor air quality to breathe in and cause various diseases. 

Thanks to masks and several other precautionary measures now we have found ways to cope with this environmental hazard. But, before looking into the preventive tips, let’s first gather some insights about the ailing health issues of poor AQI.

Health effects of air pollution

  • Asthma attacks

There are two main culprits present in the air that can affect your asthma– carbon monoxide and dirt (smoke). Even ozone gas is potent to create smog which in turn can be problematic for breathing. When accompanied by dust particles it can damage your lungs and cause more attacks.

  • Pneumonia

Nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide causing air pollution can have a negative impact on your health. Chest pain, cough, fatigue, and shortness of breath are some common signs of pneumonia as a result of air pollution. Furthermore, children and the elderly are especially at risk. 

  • Bronchitis

Vehicle exhaustion is one of the major reasons for air pollution. If you live near traffic areas you may develop long-lasting bronchitis due to traffic fumes. It is a condition where bronchial tubes get inflamed. Chronic bronchitis requires medical attention to be treated effectively.

Along with these, premature birth, breathing problems, mental illness and eye and nose irritation are some other health problems associated with poor air quality inhalation.

Effective tips to get rid of the dangers of air pollution

  • Check the AQI regularly and avoid areas with high air pollution– One of the best ways to keep health issues due to low air quality at bay is to monitor the AQI of your location. There are many websites, newspapers, and radio stations that provide clear information about the same. Keep tabs on the current scenario to stay fit. In case you have to step out of your house, try to avoid highly polluted areas to maintain your well-being.
  • Use an air purifier– It can be a great solution to filter the air indoors. While travelling in a car or relaxing at home, air purifiers come in handy to aid you in need. Just make sure to buy a reliable product with a specific range of sizes that can be filtered. 
  • Wear an N95 mask for safety– Another prevailing and efficient way to reduce the chances of infection and respiratory diseases is to consider wearing a good mask. N95 masks have the potential to filter 95% of germs, bacteria, viruses, and dirt from the air. You can rely on them to not compromise your health.

Apart from these, maintaining personal hygiene is also essential to curbing the risk of ill health issues. Keep your environment and surroundings disinfected and clean as much as possible. Furthermore, quit smoking, if you do, as it will only contribute to making the air quality worse. Moreover, follow the above-noted tips to stay safe from poor AQI problems.


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