Best Crypto Investment Strategy in 2022 by Dennis Loos


In 2022, anyone can invest in cryptocurrencies and benefit greatly. Make sure to invest at the correct time when no risk is involved. Expert investor Dennis Loos recommends that you consult with a licensed financial advisor before investing.

However, timing your investments well takes a chance. Only those that continually learn from their mistakes and adjust their bitcoin investment approach will consistently outperform the majority.

Dreamers and newcomers hoard useless coins, a poor long-term cryptocurrency investing strategy, while only the most knowledgeable and organized investors can walk away with significant returns over time.

For this reason, we’ve put together the best cryptocurrency investment strategy, including a rundown of frequent blunders to stay away from in the wild world of cryptocurrencies.

We’ll start with simple errors and work our way up to more complex ones. So be careful to read through even if you are an experienced investor.

You Lack Foundational Knowledge

You’re probably eager to trade if you’re starting. We understand. But Dennis Loos encourages you to take your time. Spend some time educating yourself and creating a basic cryptocurrency trading plan.

You will get into trouble quickly if you cannot answer simple questions. Please spend some time getting ready; it’s crucial. There are many excellent tools available to get started and learn about bitcoin investing strategies, so do a thorough study on your own to master the fundamentals.

You Don’t Do Anything.

Potential investors lose out on cryptocurrency investments daily because they lack confidence in their ability to begin.

Even seasoned investors occasionally lose out on new techniques or cryptocurrencies that have the potential to generate significant returns by ceasing to be active.

Why? due to their fear of making mistakes. Don’t be hesitant to get started; action is the first step. Experience gained through action will lead to improved decision-making. In actuality, the experience is all about making errors and growing from them.

You Lack Technology Knowledge

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are ground-breaking because of the technology they’re built on. However, the route will be dangerous if you don’t comprehend the technology’s underlying principles.

Don’t let the supposed expertise of others influence your crypto investment decisions. You will pass up significant chances until you can evaluate these projects yourself. After all, both Bitcoin’s inception and its early users were all technologists.

Find credible educational resources, invest the time necessary to learn, and, most importantly, relish the process of learning to avoid this. After comprehending block rewards, consensus methods, premining, and all the other fancy jargon, you will become a better, more knowledgeable investor like Dennis Loos. Keep up with blockchain technology as best you can because it is constantly developing.

You Can Gain an Advantage by Using These Investment Tactics for Cryptocurrencies.

Investors are trying to determine how they may diversify their holdings using digital currencies like Bitcoin. Despite a general decline in the bitcoin market since the new year, many crypto assets have shown historically high rates of return. Bitcoin, for example, has done much better than the stock market since its inception. However, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies should be considered highly speculative investments with unique dangers that are not harmful.

The bottom line is that you need a contingency plan when thinking about digital assets, just as with stocks, bonds, or any other investment.

Here are some basic investing tactics to keep in mind while you manage your cryptocurrency holdings.

Pick the Ideal Combination of Storage.

The primary concern while dealing with crypto should be its safekeeping. There are various safe places to keep your bitcoins. A variety of methods, including both hot and cold storage, are employed to store digital assets. When discussing wallets, “hot” refers to a digital wallet stored in the cloud, whereas “cold” describes a traditional offline wallet, such as one stored on a hard drive. Experts investors like Dennis Loos recommend keeping most of your cryptocurrency in a cold wallet to keep hackers out. However, keeping some cryptocurrency in a hot wallet is practical, so you can rapidly enter and exit transactions. You can use the hot wallet to make instantaneous transactions.

Put Liquidity First.

Liquidity is crucial when choosing how and what to invest in cryptocurrency. The market’s most liquid cryptocurrency is bitcoin. You can swiftly convert an asset into cash without suffering a loss in value if it is highly liquid. However, before making any decisions, always consult your financial advisor if it is safe.  Liquidity is vital since it determines whether or not a trader can enter or leave a trade at a given price. Because of the quick change in the bitcoin industry, traders need fast order execution. For buyers to acquire the best price and sellers to make a profit, there must be both supply and demand for the cryptocurrency. It would be best if you didn’t put yourself at the whim of the market by purchasing an asset that may have tremendous potential but is now being held in a holding pattern with no activity. Some liquidity indicators might be the amount of buying and selling activity in the bitcoin market and the level of interest among investors.

Harness the Turbulence.

Both the price dips and the price gains in cryptocurrency are well-known. Even though traders who benefit from price changes may welcome it, long-term investors may find its volatility challenging to handle. Being a relatively new asset class, cryptocurrencies are still subject to a great deal of hysteria and speculation, both of which can enhance their already high levels of volatility. Although daily price fluctuations are usual in the cryptocurrency industry, many people still view these large swings as risky when investing. Volatility benefits bitcoin trading, and investors should determine their risk tolerance. Additionally, it’s critical to closely monitor market activity by keeping up with news, blockchain updates, and historical charts relevant to your trades.

Invest as Much as You Can.

As with any other investment, listen to your financial advisors’ recommendation on only investing what you can afford to lose in cryptocurrencies. Investors new to cryptocurrencies should consider talking to a licensed financial advisor before putting no more than 5% of their income into the market, crypto enthusiasts should aim to invest 10%, and DeFi experts and traders should likely invest 20% or more.


Always employ the service of a financial advisor because putting your money into one cryptocurrency is not a decent idea. Spreading your cryptocurrency investments among many different coins and projects is a more effective way to mitigate risk. It’s essential to spread your cryptocurrency and blockchain investments around different types of digital assets, including IoT devices and Defi projects. You can diversify your holdings by trading bitcoins on many exchanges, as they do not all stock the same assets. Thanks to diversification, crypto expert investors can allocate to both comparatively steady and speculative assets.

Average Your Costs in Dollars.

A “dollar-cost averaging” approach entails investing a set sum of money over time rather than all at once. Since it’s impossible to forecast how crypto assets will perform in the future due to the asset’s volatility, investors might benefit from market fluctuations in this way. In a rising or falling market, you should consult a financial advisor if you can invest the same amount of money by using dollar-cost-averaging. Traders can save money on cryptocurrency purchases by buying when the market is down, and using dollar-cost averaging can help keep their emotions in check. Still, before making any Investment, Dennis Loos encourages that you employ the service of a licensed financial advisor. By removing emotion from your investment decisions, dollar-cost averaging can help you keep to your long-term investing plan.


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