Background Check API Integration: How Does It Work?


A background check API is a web service that enables individuals and enterprises to include background screening in their systems. It allows you to verify the credentials of a job candidate quickly. Typically, background check APIs function on a REST service that sends a set of instructions to the database, returning results in JSON or XML formats.  

It is likely that your company hires full-time employees, freelancers, and remote workers and has a central employee base. As such, background screening is essential for your HR department. You will understand your employees, identify any warning signs, identify strengths, and create profound trust between your company and the employees.  



How a Background Check Functions 


Background checks are meant to remove any risks during hiring. You will check the candidate’s educational background, work experience, social media tendencies, criminal records, and financial history.  

The background check brings to light problems that could arise from hiring a candidate. Therefore, any company needs to invest in background screening to avert issues in the future. Below are some of the details that are part of a background check: 

  • Examining the educational background and qualifications. Here, you will scrutinize the details of the degrees and certificates. Also, you will check the dates of qualification, educational institutions, the name of the candidate, and the authenticity of the degrees and certificates.  
  • Dig into the employment history of the candidate. Reference checks can do this by mail and phone.  
  • Contacting professional references. 
  • Going through the candidate’s social media sites. 
  • Scrutinizing the applicant’s credit history. The history will bring to light any bill non-payment and scams.  
  • Verify whether the residential address they have provided is accurate. 

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How a Background Verification API Works 


A background verification API is very straightforward and does not necessitate much engineering knowledge. You will find a comprehensive angle on the background verification process and instantly kick-start it on the dashboard.  

When you start the process, the candidate will receive a link inviting them to fill in the details and give the necessary approvals. Consequently, HR will receive real-time updates. A good API does not necessitate engineering or coding experience. Only one-time programming by the developer will set the API in action. With a backend integration in the HR system, you will make the screening process seamless, end-to-end, customizable, and automated.  

Where Can You Integrate the Employment Verification API into Your Platform? 


Below are points you can include background verification API on an organizational system.  

  1. The start-up phase is the best time to go along with the automated process. This is better than settling on SOPs for a manually driven process. 
  2. Include an API when selecting an HR system. By doing that, you will refine the process from the beginning.  
  3. You can include an API integration during the growth phase of your company. The growth phase is when your company starts to expand, necessitating a shift from manual processes to automated ones. It will be helpful to eliminate a cumbersome background verification process since it can consume a lot of time and cause demotivation.  
  4. If you aspire to soar to the heights of the industry leaders, you should incorporate API background checks since the competition is already doing so. Going for an API background verification will assist you in bagging talents most suitable for your vacancies. As a result, you can focus on growing to become a market leader in your industry.  
  5. When you are looking to offer high customer engagement by delighting them.  

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When to Incorporate API Integrated Background Checks 


You will need to understand the integration points to incorporate into the background verification API. These points include: 

Integrating Background Verification API at Sign-Up 


Incorporating background check API at sign-up is essential, primarily if you work with gigs and freelancers. You need to send a direct link to the user and request a background check, making the process end-to-end and straightforward. You will conduct a background check on a freelancer at the onboarding phase to collect their details.  

Include the API at Your Client’s Point of Receiving the Product 


For instance, if you are in the childcare niche, the clients will want to ascertain whether your company has conducted a background verification on personnel looking after the children. You can include a badge to show that personnel verification has been done. Also, you can incorporate other indications for the kind and levels of checks done.  

When Different Departments Need Verification Data  


API will be the best solution when different departments in your company require data on background checks. While a dashboard may help stakeholders verify essential data, logging into one may not always be the best procedure. This is caused by too much time consumed and the dependence on internal users. Conversely, an automated API offers a straightforward layout that gives all the required users access.  

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Wrapping Up

You can incorporate background checks API at any phase of the development of your company. Additionally, it can be included at different points, as discussed. Remember, each company has varying points to integrate the API for background checks with their system. Therefore, ensure your HR and the other relevant departments work together to identify these points in your organization. If that is done, you will have a seamless working process.  


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