6 Challenges Related to Event Planning and Their Solutions

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event production agency

Being positive about everything is good. If we meet millennials, they are also very optimistic personalities. But when it comes to planning an event optimism is not going to work as a shield against you. So, instead of being optimistic, it is better to make strategies to meet different challenges of event production.

Nothing in life you will get served on a plate then how can you get everything perfect in Live Event Production? Challenges are everywhere we can’t ignore them we have to face them with guts. Facing challenges and solving them with great planning is the most outstanding quality of an event producer.

He has to play his role in optimizing challenges and reducing the stress of challenges from his team. Less stress on a team made them more productive and a strong leader made them more confident. Now let’s discover the most common challenges which event producers must address in the planning phase of the event.

1.   Lack of Human Capital While Arranging an Event:

This problem doesn’t become obvious from the first day. It starts while the preparations for the event start and the workload increase. This is a very serious problem that can burden other team members and also increase the chances of error in an event. Because each detail of the event needs undivided attention.

Solution of This Problem:

HR experts studied this problem and offer some solutions to event producers through which they can resolve this problem.

  • Discuss with your client and ask him in detail what kind of help he needed from you during the event.
  • Develop a list of each role with its detailed job description.
  • After preparation of the list calculate the number of staff members you need if 25% audience shows up and calculate the number of staff needed when 75% audience show up. Make team by calculating the median and it is better to keep a few on-call for further utilization.

2.   Overspending on Event:

Overspending in an event is not the problem which only you are facing. It is a problem of almost every event but needs proper planning of budget because overspending can affect the further preparations of the event.

Solution of The Problem:

For better planning study the budget report of your previous events and decide what you can do better within the given budget. If you are a new entrant there is no need to take stress just study about the previous events of your client and decide what can you do better?

Even you get orders from high authorities try to convince them that it can ruin the impact of the overall event and those changes are not rational and necessary for the event.

3.   Missing an Element of Networking:

In a corporate event, networking matters a lot. Being busy with routines they have less time to spend on networking. Researches have proved that networking plays a vital role in investments which in turn positively affect the growth of a business.

Even for job seekers networking is an amazing opportunity. 67% of job seekers said that face to face networking increases the chance of getting jobs. This information is enough to determine that how networking at corporate events is beneficial for businesses and job seekers.

Solution of The Problem:

I don’t know what you have planned for networking opportunities but here are some suggestions which you can utilize within any budget.

  • Make social lounges in an event which people can utilize to rest in between an event which is also a chance of meeting with new people.

4.   Forget to Track Schedules or Budget:

You must have the potential to disapprove of any unforeseen schedule or budget. But if you accept any one of them or both by your will it is your responsibility to adjust your plans according to the changes.

Solution of The Problem:

Keep following up with your clients and other key stakeholders and organize notes of each activity of an event so that no information remains unaddressed. It is better to use a formal tracking process and keep all stakeholders in the loop so that they can access each information regarding the event.

5.   No Backup Plan for Bad Weather:

The intensity and frequency of extreme weather have increased so much. So, it is important to consider the changes in the weather while arranging an event.

Solution of The Problem:

If you haven’t planned for the weather changes then here are some tips which you can utilize to control the impact of weather.

  • Look for a second venue that has more chances of being available for you.
  • Prefer weather insurance in case you have to cancel or postpone your event. It will serve as a backup to refund money to an audience while your event is selling tickets.
  • Have alternative plans even if you don’t want to utilize them. But by having them you will think fast and you have an opportunity to show others that no one is better than you in event planning.

6.   Not Having A Real-World Experience:

It is not easy to start your career in the event industry. A real-world experience saves you a lot of headaches while arranging an event. But, indeed, you can’t know how to each scenario regarding event planning.

Solution of The Problem:

  • Read news feeds related to event planning to get a better idea about handling each scenario.
  • Utilize unofficial mentors for yourself. Event rental companies can play that role for you.
  • Refresh your experience by attending workshops on event planning.

Don’t think of Live Event Production as a piece of cake. For a successful event, you have to go through multiple challenges. The success of your event depends on how well you react against the challenges. Nothing in the world is free. For a successful event, you have to put your day and night efforts and courage to face all challenges.

Closing Lines:

Challenges are associated with every field of life and with escape you will get no gain. Ems-Events is one of the finest industries to utilize for live event production. Hopefully, knowledge about challenges and its solution will help you a lot in improving your event.


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