5 Tips for Creating a Mobile-Friendly Ecommerce Website



If your eCommerce website is attractive, mobile-friendly mobile-friendly ecommerce, and easy to navigate, that’s great, but if you neglect any of the following, you’re likely to run into a drop in sales.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a generic term that encompasses all the efforts a team makes to ensure that their online business or website gets higher visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs)like a bigcommerce development services by Elogic. There are many ways to improve your search engine rankings.  The main goal of a search engine optimizer is to find a way to help you optimize your page organically.

Make sure your online store is mobile-optimized

Contact forms are a key component of many websites.  While they are generally mobile-friendly ecommerce simple, you need to make sure they are easy to use if you want to collect leads and stay in touch with your users.  This is usually not a problem with office traffic, but using forms can be difficult if you are using a mobile device.

Responsive web design is the way to go

Whether it’s a mobile phone, desktop, or tablet, the same design and content are displayed, making it easier for end-users to navigate.  The second step is to ensure that the site serves the same HTML code regardless of the user’s device as it shows why is amazon so successful.

If you’re a beginner, here are 5 SEO tips you need to know (and do) when optimizing your site to improve its search rankings:

  1. Faster loading times

It’s always a good idea to check your site with Page Speed (or any of these other tools) before getting started.  If your pages take more than 3 seconds on average to load, you will not only lose potential customers but also your ranking in search results.

  1. There is a section of frequently asked questions

FAQ pages are a great time-saving tool and can help you solve your customers’ problems and questions without having to deal with them individually.  The FAQ pages may describe product features, return options, payment methods, or more.  This is one way to provide great customer support.

  1. Showcase customer testimonials

Make sure your mobile-friendly ecommerce site has a customer testimonial page.  Make it easy for buyers to add their comments and opinions and see what others are saying.  Customer reviews can also provide useful information for the store owner, but note that many people prefer to write reviews only when something is wrong.

However, there should always be an opportunity for customers to express their opinion.

  1. Reach More Leads: Leads generated by SEO are much more relevant and have a higher conversion rate than leads using paid ads.
  2. Improved Sales Conversion Rates: Customers are more likely to go to your site if a website with your content matches their needs and appears in their search results.

One example

Magento is a great solution for companies that have a standard business model and do not strive to constantly optimize and introduce new ideas.  If, after a few years, new modules and processes are required (and this happens quite often in a changing market), this will entail a loss in performance and additional costs.


  • Average pricing policy.
  • Large partner network.
  • Good scalability, reliability, performance.

The Magento Business Intelligence model offers powerful business intelligence and SEO tools.

The required functionality for existing business processes can be implemented using extensions.

There are conditions for a quick start.

If you’re on a budget

Not everyone can create a website with a healthy budget for the game.  We get it.  This is one of the reasons why we also provide many free WordPress theme compilations from time to time to suit specific needs.


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