White House Unveils National Cyber Strategy to Shift Security Burden


The White House has announced a new national cyber strategy to shift the security burden from government agencies to private companies. The strategy focuses on boosting cybersecurity collaboration between the public and private sectors and highlights the need for improved cyberdefense capabilities.

This article will explore the new national cyber strategy and its implications for government agencies and private companies. We will discuss the key points of the strategy, the challenges it presents, and the opportunities it offers for improving cybersecurity in the United States.

The Need for a National Cyber Strategy

The announcement of the new national cyber strategy comes amid growing concerns about the vulnerability of critical infrastructure and government systems to cyber attacks. In recent years, several high-profile cyber attacks have occurred on government agencies and private companies, including the 2016 hack of the Democratic National Committee and the 2020 SolarWinds cyber attack.

The new strategy recognizes that cyber attack threats are constantly evolving and that government agencies and private companies must work together to stay ahead. The strategy outlines a vision for a more resilient and secure cyberspace and sets forth a series of goals and objectives for achieving that vision.

Key Points of the National Cyber Strategy

Kenny Riley, a Dallas-based IT professional (learn more), believes that the four key pillars of the new national cyber strategy represent a much-needed shift in cybersecurity. “The focus on defending today’s networks, securing tomorrow’s innovations, building resilient infrastructure, and countering adversaries are exactly what we need to stay ahead of the ever-evolving threat landscape,” he says. Riley stresses that the strategy’s emphasis on collaboration between the public and private sectors is particularly important, as cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. “We need to work together to ensure the security of our critical infrastructure and protect our businesses and communities from cyber threats,” he adds.

Pillar 1: Defend Today’s Networks

The strategy’s first pillar focuses on improving the security of existing networks and systems. It calls for better collaboration between government agencies and private companies to share threat intelligence and best practices for cybersecurity.

Pillar 2: Secure Tomorrow’s Innovations

The strategy’s second pillar emphasizes the need to focus on emerging technologies and future innovations. It calls for increased investment in research and development to improve cybersecurity capabilities and to ensure that new technologies are designed with security in mind.

Pillar 3: Build Resilient Infrastructure

The third pillar of the strategy focuses on building more resilient infrastructure that can withstand cyber attacks. This includes investing in modernizing critical infrastructure, such as the electrical grid and transportation systems, to make them more secure.

Pillar 4: Counter Adversaries

The fourth and final pillar of the strategy is focused on countering the adversaries who seek to attack US systems and infrastructure. It calls for better coordination and collaboration between government agencies and private companies to identify and respond to cyber threats.

Implications of the National Cyber Strategy

The new national cyber strategy presents challenges and opportunities for government agencies and private companies. One of the main challenges is the need to improve collaboration and information sharing between the public and private sectors. This can be difficult due to privacy, intellectual property, and liability concerns.

On the other hand, the strategy offers opportunities for improved cybersecurity through increased investment in research and development and better coordination between government agencies and private companies. It also presents an opportunity for private companies to take a more active role in cybersecurity, which can lead to increased investment in cybersecurity capabilities and improved resilience against cyber attacks.

According to Aaron Kane, CEO of Chicago IT services company CTI Technology, “As technology providers, it’s our responsibility to educate our business clients on the importance of practicing good cybersecurity hygiene. It’s insufficient to provide them with the latest technology and hope for the best. We must ensure they understand the risks and take proactive steps to protect their business from cyber threats.” Kane stresses that education and awareness are key in the fight against cybercrime and that technology providers must take an active role in helping their clients stay secure.


Robert Giannini of Fort Lauderdale IT services company Giaspace believes that technology providers must step up their cybersecurity game. “Many MSPs claim to be cybersecurity experts, but very few have the street creds to prove it,” he says. Giannini stresses that cybersecurity is a constantly evolving threat landscape, and technology providers must stay up-to-date with the latest threats and security practices. “We can no longer afford to take a ‘set it and forget it’ approach to cybersecurity. We need to be proactive and vigilant in protecting our clients’ businesses from cyber threats,” he adds.

The White House’s new national cyber strategy represents a significant shift in how cybersecurity is approached in the United States. The strategy emphasizes better collaboration between government agencies and private companies and a focus on emerging technologies and future innovations. While there are challenges to implementing the strategy, it offers opportunities for improved cybersecurity and a more resilient and secure cyberspace.


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