What is marketing? Definition and meaning


Marketing is a business term that experts have defined in dozens of different ways. In fact, even at the company level people may perceive the term differently. Basically, it is a management process through which products and services move from concept to the customer. It includes identification of a product, determining demand, deciding on its price, and selecting distribution channels. It also includes developing and implementing a promotional strategy incorporating both outbound and inbound marketing.

Collins Dictionary has the following definition of the term:

“Marketing is the organization of the sale of a product, for example, deciding on its price, the areas it should be supplied to, and how it should be advertised.”

Below is the American Marketing Association’s definition:

“Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”

Marketing refers to the activities of a business related to buying and selling a product or service. It involves finding out what consumers want and determining whether it is possible to produce it at the right price. The company then makes and sells it.

According to domycreatinvewritings.com, marketing covers a vast area of business, including:

  • how you communicate
  • the brand
  • the design
  • pricing
  • market research
  • consumer psychology
  • measuring effectiveness

At the core of marketing is an understanding of what customers need and value. A company’s long-term success depends on learning what its customers’ needs are. It then finds ways to add value through different approaches.

Business-to-business marketing

This involves targeting other businesses. We also call it business-to-business or B2-B marketing. It involves supplying other companies with products or services.

Physical products that companies sell to other businesses are ‘industrial goods.’ Industrial goods may include raw materials for companies that make plastics, and yarn for use in the textile trade. It also includes aircraft for airlines and the military.

In fact, the term ‘industrial goods’ refers to anything a company or organization needs and buys.

B2B services may include legal advice, management consultancy, tax consultancy, or training provision. IT services and the provision of temporary staff are also examples of B2B services. IT stands for Information Technology.

If you’re interested in B2B Marketing, you’d need a LinkedIn account. Here’s a post on the best practices to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts.

Marketing directly to consumers

We also call it B2C. The term refers to targeting the individual people who purchase products and use services. Specifically, people who bought for their own consumption.

This may include FMCGs (fast-moving consumer goods) such as food, beverages, and toiletries, or durable goods. For example, cars, televisions, refrigerators, and other white goods are durable goods. ‘White goods’ are major appliances that traditionally have had a white enamel surface.

B2B + B2C marketing

Most large corporations have an integrated marketing approach. In other words, they focus on both individual consumers and businesses at the same time.

The Coca-Cola Company, for example, knows that its B2C marketing must succeed. Put simply; it has to persuade supermarkets and smaller stores – B2B – to provide shelf space.

Most makers of durable goods also have an integrated marketing approach. For example, The Haier Group focuses on individual consumers (B2C). However, it also focuses on supermarkets, department stores, and other retail outlets (B2B). The Haier Group is the world’s largest manufacturer of consumer electronics and home appliances.

Recruitment marketing

Recruitment marketing includes all the tools and strategies that employers use to engage, attract, and eventually hire talented people. The aim is to encourage people to want to join the organization.

The practice takes advantage of data analytics, omnichannel communication, social media platforms, and other digital marketing strategies.

According to Adrian Cernat, CEO and co-founder of SmartDreamers:

“Recruitment marketing is the process of trying to attract and hire talented people. It includes the strategies and tactics that employers use to attract, engage, and nurture talented personnel before they apply for a job.”

Marketing strategy

A company’s marketing strategy should combine all its objectives into one integrated and comprehensive plan. In other words, it should not focus on one strategy at the expense of others.

It should use market research data to create its strategy. The company should focus on the ideal product mix to reach the optimum profit potential. The right product mix is also crucial to sustaining the business.

According to marketingstrategynow.com: “The best marketing strategy process allows you to specially target your products and services to the ideal buyers most likely to buy.”

An effective and successful marketing plan depends on a good strategy. A company’s strategy should begin with the setting of objectives that will support its overall aims.

It then needs to come up with a strategy that allows it to reach these objectives.

According to CIM:

“The strategy may involve research into product or service development, how the product or service will reach the market (channels) and how the customers will find out about it (communication).”

“It will also attempt to define a unique positioning for the product or business to differentiate it from its competitors.”

Fundamentally, sales and marketing are trying to achieve the same thing. In other words, they are trying to get more customers and revenues. However, they look at things slightly differently. Put simply; marketing focuses on the market, while sales focus on the product. Sales also focus on how to persuade consumers to like it and buy it. Some sales managers disagree with the image above, insisting that sales do continue after the sale of the product.

Typical marketing divisions

There are many divisions of marketing. Not all companies have the same names for one. Below is a list of the most common divisions (Source: London School of Economics):


Advertising involves promoting an idea or product in the marketplace by placing ads in the media.

Community Involvement

The term means working with the local community. This is not only good for the company’s standing locally, and as a way of growing customer loyalty, but it is also great for morale within the firm

Examples include sponsoring local events, chairing meetings, volunteering in schools or local youth centers, and belonging to local associations.

Customer Service

Basically, this involves providing assistance and advice to people who purchased the product. In many businesses, sellers also provide this service to customers before, during, and after a sale.

Good customer service produces satisfied customers. In other words, their experience meets or exceeds their expectations. If your competitors have good customer service and you don’t, you will probably lose market share to them.

Direct Marketing

This approach involves delivering your message directly to consumers via leaflets, forms, fliers, catalogs, as well as street promotion.


Distribution is part of the management chain. It involves transporting one product from storage to a shop or supermarket.

Market Research

Market research is the process of gathering and analyzing information. The data will make the company more aware of how people will react to its current and future products.

Business owners are conducting market research all the time. When they talk to customers about their business,  they are conducting market research. Whenever somebody tries to find out what the competition is doing, they are conducting market research.

Good market research can produce a wealth of data about the business’s products, customers, and the marketplace.

Media Planning

Media planning is closely related to advertising. It is an advertising strategy we employ to target consumers using a range of informational outlets.

Advertising or media planning agencies usually conduct this kind of work. They find the best media outlets to reach the target market.

Examples of media outlets include the internet, posters, television, radio, physical newspapers, magazines, etc.

Product pricing

When setting the price, you should take into account how much something costs to produce and deliver. You should also consider how much competitors are selling it for, its quality, the brand, etc.

Most product prices rarely stay the same for long. Production costs may change, salaries can rise, or competitors might suddenly offer discounts or raise their prices. You need to be aware of every factor that influences price all the time.

Public Relations

“A strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics,” says the PRSA.


Sales include planning and supporting the sales team by pushing ahead with sales targets. It also involves formulating a plan as to how to reach potential and existing customers. Salespeople aim to hit those targets.

One-to-One Marketing

One-to-one marketing involves communicating directly with each customer. The company then tailors the approach to each customer’s tastes and preferences.

Impression Management

Impression management is the process of shaping people’s perceptions of things, other people, places, and events.

In marketing and sales, it means getting consumers to perceive your products or services in a good light.

The Internet and marketing

With the advent of the Internet and ad-blocking software, inbound marketing has become increasingly popular. It involves using content – newsletters, blogs, podcasts, reviews, etc. – that online users like, to lure them in.

In the past, the company’s sales personnel used to be the experts. However, today the experts are the consumers.

A term that Internet marketing specialists use all the time is the ‘bounce rate.’ The bounce rate refers to the percentage of people who leave the website after visiting a page.

In other words, instead of going to another page within the same site, they leave – they bounce out. The lower the bounce rate, the better.

Global Marketing refers to the planning, creating, placing, and promoting of a business’s goods or services in the worldwide market. Is it a specialized skill? Executives who manage to implement an effective strategy can take their company to the next level.

During the 1960s and 1970s, many Japanese business practices emerged, which later spread across the world. In some cases, engineering and marketing overlap. For example, Kansei Engineering is engineering that is based on human emotions. Not only do Kansei developers focus on what products can do, but also on how they make consumers feel.

Marketing principles

Marketing principles are agreed-upon marketing ideas that sellers use for a successful marketing strategy. We also refer to it as the principles of marketing.

Some companies follow the 4Ps Strategy of product, price, place, and promotion. We also refer to it as the 4P Marketing Mix. Others, on the other hand, may follow the 7Ps Strategy of product, place, price, promotion, people, physical environment, and process.


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