Want To Delete Your Burger King Account? You Need This 971-Country Code 


Burger King is one of the most popular fast food restaurants in the world and they have a presence in over 100 countries. That means that if you want to delete your Burger King account, you’ll need to know the 971 country code for each one. In this article, we’ll provide you with the 971-country code for every country where Burger King operates, so that you can easily delete your account from anywhere in the world. 

What is a Burger King account? 

A Burger King accounts is a type of account that allows you to order food from the restaurant. It also allows you to save your favorite orders, make dining reservations, and more. If you want to delete your Burger King accounts, you need to know the country code for the restaurant where your account is located. 

The Burger King country code is 1. The code for the United States is 1, the code for Canada is 2, and the code for Mexico is 3. If you want to delete your account, you need to call the restaurant and ask them how to delete your account. 

How to delete your Burger King account 

If you want to delete Burger King account, you need to follow these steps: 

1. Log into your Burger King accounts online. 

2. Click on the “My Account” tab. 

3. On the “My Account” page, click on the “Delete Account” link in the “Account Activity” column. 

4. Follow the instructions on the screen to delete your Burger King accounts. 

The international code for Burger King 

If you want to delete your Burger King accounts, you need to know the international code for this restaurant. 

To delete your Burger King accounts, you need to call customer service and ask for the international code. This code is different from the country code for each country. For example, the international code for Burger King in the United States is 1-800-233-4444. 


Burger King is one of those restaurants that people either love or hate. I fall into the latter category, but there are a few things about Burger King that I really like. For example, I really enjoy their Whopper burgers and their fries are some of the best around. Unfortunately, my dislike for them extends to their customer service – especially when it comes to account cancellations. As you may know, Burger King requires customers to cancel their accounts in person at one of their physical locations. If you want to cancel your account but don’t live near a Burger King location, you have two options: 1) call customer service and hope they can help; or 2) use this 971-country code to cancel your account online. 


1. What is the country code for Burger King? 

The country code for Burger King is +1. 

2. How do I delete my Burger King accounts? 

To delete your Burger King accounts, you need to call customer service and ask them to remove your account. They will then send you a cancellation form to fill out and return to them. After they have received the cancellation form, your account will be deleted. 


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