Use of WhatsApp in our daily life


In this modern world, we all are familiar with this App. Everybody around us is using WhatsApp for messaging. It is an instant messaging App which you can get by installing it in your mobile phone from internet. Most of the people are using this WhatsApp application on their cell phones. They are using this app for quick sharing of images and messages with their friends or other people. This social media App has influenced our life very much. It can affect the psychology of human beings. However, there may be some positive or negative effects on our life as well. Let’s discuss them one by one. 

Positive impacts:

WhatsApp have made many advantages in our lives. Some advantages are:

  • Easily affordable: 

WhatsApp is almost a cost effective Application. You can text to your friends without any charges. Unlike the SMS, the WhatsApp chatting is free. Now cheap internet offers are provided to their customers. You just need to have an internet access. Wherever you go where internet is available, you can use this messaging App. You can also make phone calls without any charges and you don’t need to worry about the time limit. 

  • Business:

Now you can also do your business with this App. This WhatsApp will act as a source of communication between your clients & customers. It has facilitated the business. You can share information and your reviews. 

  • Unlimited features:

WhatsApp has a lot of features such as you can transfer some PDF files or videos. You can also send your locations to anyone, so that they can trace you easily. You can see the status of your friends which they share, in this way you will stay in touch with your friends. 

  • Events sharing:

You can also create groups on WhatsApp so that information regarding anything can be sent as a whole to your desired contacts. Now a day, many class groups are made on WhatsApp, so that class fellows can share related study material with each other. 

Negative impacts:

WhatsApp has some negative impacts as well which are as follow:

  • Restrictive use:

You can send messages or make call to only those people who have installed this application in their mobile phones. So its use is restrictive. Moreover, without a good internet connection you cannot contact with anyone through this app. 

  • Addiction:

WhatsApp have become a kind of bad addiction for young generation. They will keep checking their phones for messages after some time. So they cannot focus on their studies or work well. This is a kind distraction for them. They will be distracted by the jokes or memes shared by other people

  • Less interactions with others:

People spend more time on WhatsApp. They don’t know what is happening around them. So WhatsApp for messaging they may lose touch from the real world. They have no interactions with the society. This is harmful for them. Such people become obsessed with their mobile phones. They will keep sharing videos, selfies and jokes with their friends. In this way they lose their goals in life.


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