Unknown UK Laws Designed To Protect Other People


In the UK, there are several unrecognised laws which protect other people. These laws are often not well known, and as a result, they are not always followed. This can lead to several problems, including potential danger to others.

Moving Planks Of Wood Along A Pavement

It is actually against the law to move planks of wood along a pavement. This is because it can pose a hazard for pedestrians.

In medieval times, when carts were often overloaded, the wood would fall off so people who walked near would be at harm. Therefore, it was implemented to protect residents.

Section 54; Act 1839 of the Metropolitan Police District prevents anyone from carrying a plank of wood along a pavement unless the intention is loading it onto or from a vehicle.

Flying Your Kite In Public

You would usually see people flying their kites in parks or open fields, but did you know it is actually illegal to fly your kite in public in the UK?

The same act of 1839, section 54 states you cannot fly a kite in a public place. If found doing so, it means you are liable for breaking the law. However, it should be reiterated that this law only applies to prohibiting kites in a manner that specifically disturbs others. 

Infectious Pets and Passengers Can Be Refused By Taxis

It’s common sense to know if you have an infectious disease, you should stay home and recover until you feel better. However, some people still continue to go out and do so.

In the case of a taxi driver, if a passenger or pet is found, or the driver suspects they have an infectious disease, then they have the right to refuse them entry.

The Public Health Act of 1936 supports and enforces this, which states taxi drivers may ask whether they have an infectious disease and the same thing for a pet.

Knock Down Ginger

This is an ongoing childhood game that’s been here for many years. However, the game can become really annoying for the victims.

Therefore, part 16 of the Metropolitan Police Act of 1839, Section 54 says it is illegal for any person who intentionally rings a doorbell intending to create a disturbance and does not carry any lawful purpose to do so.

Being drunk and Managing Cattle Is Illegal

I mean, it’s pretty obvious for any person with common sense to do this is not right. However, if you aren’t aware already. Managing your cattle while intoxicated is actually illegal.

As part of section 12 of the 1872 licensing act, the penalties associated with the legislation include any person found drunk, including those who managed any animals, trains or a highway or public place.

This was implemented to protect people and keep them safe.

Impersonating Police Or Armed Forces

In the UK, it is a criminal offence to impersonate a police officer or member of the armed forces.

This is because it can cause members of the public to feel alarmed or tricked, and it can also commit crimes. This can lead to dangerous situations therefore, the legislation was enforced.

The Seamen’s and Soldiers’ False Characters Act 1906 and Police Act 1996 makes it an offence to misrepresent oneself as a member of the armed forces or a police member.

Sliding On The Icy Streets

Caution must be taken when the streets are icy, as it can be really dangerous. However, there are people who would go sledging down an iced-over hill.

The Metropolitan Police Act of 1839, Section 54, makes it an offence to slide on the icy streets as it endangers public safety. This was put in place to protect people from being hurt.


There are many unrecognised laws in the UK that are designed to protect others. It is important to be aware of these laws to ensure you are not breaking them and putting yourself or others at risk.


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