Sample resignation letter because of health issues (7)


In this guide, we will see letter templates/letter format related to the Sample resignation letter because of health issues and the basic information if you would like to write your own letter.

Resign Letter due to Health Reasons

Here is an example of what one might write in a resignation letter due to health reasons:

“I regret to inform you of my resignation, effective June 1, 20XX. Due to a recent diagnosis, I have become aware that my illness will require extended treatment and recovery, and I am unsure that my ability to perform the duties of my present position will return. I appreciate your understanding.”

Resignation Letter due to Medical Reasons

The content for a resignation letter due to medical reasons may be something like this:

“I am very sorry to be writing this letter to hand in my resignation due to medical reasons. As you are aware I have been having some medical problems over the past few months and it has left me now unable to continue working.”

Sample Resignation Letter due to Health Reasons

A sample resignation letter due to health reason will be something like this:

“I regret to inform you that I am offering my resignation, as I need to take some time off for health reasons. I have recently been diagnosed with an illness that will need me to rest and recuperate, and I will not be able to do the job with my previous level of competence. I will serve out my notice period and help you find the replacement to the best of my abilities.”

How to go about Resigning Due to Health Reasons?

When you are resigning due to health reasons, you can write a resignation letter with content like: “I regret to inform you of my resignation, effective June 1, 20XX due to health reasons, as my extended treatment and recovery makes it impossible to continue a full-time job.”

Sample resignation letter because of health issues

A sample resignation letter because of health issues can be written if you are an employee who is experiencing any type of sickness/medical reasons or there is someone who is sick in your family and you need to take care of them.

This means you feel like leaving your job due to health issues or family illness would be the best thing to do.

It doesn’t really matter if you are a teacher or an administrative assistant, you still may need to let your employer know about your intention of leaving.

Here are the basic elements your resignation letter should include (

Statement of resignation and your last day at work
Your reason for leaving (briefly)
Thank your employer and well wishes
Closing and signature

Note: you are not obligated to provide a reason if you decide you would like to keep your health issues confidential you can simply say that you are resigning for “personal reasons” without being too detailed.

Just share the information you feel comfortable sharing with your employer, otherwise, you can simply write a resignation letter that includes your intention for leaving and informing of your last employment.

Sample resignation letter because of health issues
“Mr. A. Employee

1, My House

Any Street

This Town

PO57 3DE


Mrs. A. Manager

The Company

Employment Street

That Town

PO57 3DE

Dear Sir/Madam,

Resignation from POSITION due to medical grounds

I am very sorry to be writing this letter to hand my resignation due to medical reasons. As you are aware I have been having some medical problems over the past few months and it has left me now unable to continue working.

Mr. A. Employee

1, My House

Any Street

This Town

PO57 3DE


Mrs. A. Manager

The Company

Employment Street

That Town

PO57 3DE

Dear Sir/Madam,

Resignation from POSITION due to medical grounds

I am very sorry to be writing this letter to hand my resignation due to medical reasons. As you are aware I have been having some medical problems over the past few months and it has left me now unable to continue working.

Best wishes for the future.

Yours sincerely


Sample resignation letter because of health issues (Template)
“[Your name]

[Your address]

[Your city, state zip code]

[Your phone number]

[Your personal email address]

[Date of the letter]

[Recipient/Employer name and title]

[Name of company]

[Company address]

[City, state zip code]

Dear [Recipient]:

This letter is to serve as my resignation from [Position] at [Company], effective [Resignation date].

I am regretfully resigning due to a serious health complication. My doctors and I feel it would be best to remain focused on recovering, which, unfortunately, includes stepping down from my duties at [Company], as I am unable to meet the expectations as [Position] while struggling with this illness.

I could not be more grateful for all of the opportunities I’ve had to grow and make lifelong friends during my time at [Company]. I’d like to thank you deeply for your guidance and support during my employment.

Please feel free to let me know how I can assist with making the transition as smooth as possible. I wish you and [Company] the very best in the future.


[Your signature] (hard copy letter)

[Your typed name]

Your phone number or personal email”

Sample resignation letter because of health issues (more than two weeks’ notice)
“Deanna Moore

767 West Thatcher Rd.

Encino, CA 91316

June 14, 2013

Paulette Yates, Director of Communications

Marketing Volt, LLC

222 Carpenter Ave., Ste. 1F

Encino, CA 91316

Dear Paulette,

Effective as of the date of this letter, please accept this notification that I intend to resign from my position as Events Coordinator at Marketing Volt. My last day of work will be July 15, 2013.

It is with deep regret that I withdraw from this position. Due to ongoing health concerns, it is no longer possible to fulfill my duties with the company.

I’d like to thank you for the guidance, support, and growth opportunities I have enjoyed in the four years I have been employed with the company. If I can contribute in any way to making the transition smoother, please feel free to let me know.

Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the number below.


Deanna Moore (signed)

Deanna Moore (typed)


Sample resignation letter because of health issues (immediate resignation)
“Paul Bock

7063 Purple Finch Road

Durham, NC 27703

(754) 878-2647

[email protected]

June 27, 2019

Mr. Phillip Harlowe

Director of Human Resources

TransShipping, Inc.

637 Northern Blvd.

Durham, NC 27703

Dear Mr. Harlowe:

It is with deep sadness that I must inform you of my decision to resign immediately from my position as Account Manager for TransShipping, Inc. due to my failing health. At this time, it is recommended by my team of physicians that I remove myself from the workplace to better focus on regaining my health.

I’ve so enjoyed working at TransShipping, Inc., and I am deeply saddened that I will not be associated with the company in the future.

I understand that sufficient notice of my intent to leave is expected, but unfortunately, I am not well enough to complete the notice period, which is why I have requested an immediate release.

I will be available on a sporadic basis (as my pain allows) if you would like me to help train the person who will replace me. Thank you for all you’ve done to contribute to my professional growth, and please feel free to keep in touch. Read more


Paul Bock (signed)

Paul Bock (typed)

(754) 878-2647”

Sample resignation letter because of health issues
“Mia Fisher

549 North Street

Chandler, AZ 10321

(000) 987-4345


June 5, 2019

Mr. Brent Butler

Marketing Director


6 Laredo Street

Chandler, AZ 11222

Dear Mr. Butler:

It is with extreme regret that I am informing you of my decision to resign from my position as a marketing manager for Sony, with immediate effect. I will be in touch with Ms. Linda Hall to sort out the details of this unexpected turn of events from a human resource point of view.

I was recently diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer. In the beginning, I felt that I could cope with medication, which is why I didn’t inform you. The recent chemotherapy that I went through, however, has made me feel that I can no longer handle the hectic schedule or meet the deadlines given to me. If I continue working, I will not only be unfair to myself but to the company as well.

My employment agreement states that I need to provide a 30 days’ notice of my intent to leave. I am afraid that it is not possible for me to do it. I understand that by not meeting the terms of my employment, I am liable for a pay severance and reversal of accumulated benefits, which is fine with me.

I apologize for putting you in such a position where you will need to hire someone on an immediate basis, which I realize will not be easy. Thank you for providing me with this excellent opportunity to work with one of the best companies in the state.



Mia Fisher

Marketing Manager

Emp #: 6325”

Sample resignation letter because of health issues
“To Stanley J. Ferguson

Director HR

London Community College

300 Pine Boulevard

London UK NW80QE

September 19, 2014

Dear Mr. Stanley

I am writing this correspondence as my letter of resignation from my position as Assistant Professor of English due to health issues. I have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and will be starting treatments in the very near future. I feel that it is best for both myself and for my students if I take some time to focus on improving my health. It is for this reason that I formally submit my resignation due to health issues effective October 3, 2014. This is my official two weeks’ notice.

I regret any inconvenience my departure may cause for my colleagues and students. I am more than willing to do what I can to assist in the transition process for whoever will be taking over my course load and I will leave all of my lesson plans behind. Please feel free to call me at (555) 555-5555 or email me at [email protected] should you require further assistance.

I have truly enjoyed my time teaching at London Community College and will miss my students and fellow faculty. I feel this is the best course for all involved. Thank you so much for your understanding and assistance.


Anne L. Dodson

Assistant Professor of English

London Community College”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Sample resignation letter because of health issues

How do I resign due to medical reasons?

If you want to resign due to medical reasons you just need to follow a simple resignation letter format and add “medical reasons” as your reason for leaving and you could add that it might impact your ability to perform your duties.

You could also talk to your boss directly and have an informal discussion about it before you hand in your resignation letter.

How do I write a resignation letter due to health problems?

If you want to write a resignation letter due to health problems you can follow this example:

“Dear (Name of the employer), “With utmost respect, I am writing a formal sick leave request email to the manager of absence as I have a serious health issue that bothers my day to day activities (”

Can I quit my job due to ill health?

You can quit your job due to ill health but if you resign and you start claiming benefits, you won’t get more money than you would on sick pay.

However, if you stay while you recover and get better, you can keep getting paid and build up holiday entitlement.

Instead of resigning, you could talk to your employer to make some adjustments to help you get back into your job.

How do I write a health problem letter?

If you want to write a health problem letter make sure you mention it in your letter as the reason for sick leave or your absence from your work.

Other sample resignation or leave letters

Below are some of the other resignation or leave letters we curated.

If you are looking for a job, you should also ideally start your job research on job websites such as Indeed.

References “Letter of resignation Due to Medical Reasons”

Mogul, S. (2020, Mar.) Immediate Resignation Letter Due to Health Reasons. Retrieved from “Resignation Letter Example Due to Health”

Doyle, A. (2020, Jan.) Resignation Letter Examples Due to Health Issues. Retrieved from


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