Package Exports Support in React Native


The popular open-source framework React Native is often used. You can hire react developers to get package exports support in React Native.

To help you organize your code and make your mobile app more accessible to maintain. This post will go through the features and functionality of package exports in React Native.

Understanding Package Exports

It is essential to have a firm grip on what package exports are and why they matter.

What are Package Exports?

The package export method in JavaScript enables the export and reuse of one or more items (including functions. Objects. And variables) defined in a module. 

The Anatomy of a Package Export

Let’s break down what makes up a React Native package export to understand better how it works.

// Example of a package export in a module

export const someFunction = () => {

  // Function logic here


export const someVariable = 42;

export default some default value;

We may see three distinct categories of exports in this scenario:

Named Exports: The names of these exports are followed by the `export` keyword. In JavaScript, you may share anything of value, including data, functions, and variables. Names like `someFunction` and `someVariable` are exported.

Default Export: A module’s default export specifies the module’s default value or behavior. You can provide each module with just one default export with whatever name you choose. The default export in this scenario is someDefaultValue.

Importing Package Exports

import { someFunction, someVariable } from ‘./module’;

import someDefaultValue from ‘./module’;

Here, we’re importing the named exports (`someFunction` and `someVariable`) and the default export (`someDefaultValue`) using destructuring syntax.

Our familiarity with JavaScript package exports allows us to examine their function in React Native.

The Role of Package Exports in React Native

Many modules and components manage the many aspects of a React Native apps functioning. Maintaining a clean codebase is crucial to use package exports effectively.

Benefits of Package Exports in React Native

Code Organization: Maintaining and reusing code when modularized and exported in distinct packages is easier. Your code is easily maintained and updated.

Reusability: One way to facilitate code reuse across several portions of a project is to encapsulate and export commonly used functions, components, and utilities. This leads to fewer instances of duplicate regulation and more standardization.

Readability: A good package export structure improves code readability. The features and components that are accessible to developers may be easily accessed.

Collaboration: Exporting packages offer a transparent and manageable means of code sharing within a team. Developers are protected from the implementation specifics to simplify importing and using a shared module.

Creating and Using Package Exports in React Native

Let’s examine React Native package exports and their potential applications:

  1. Creating a Module

The initial export step is to write the necessary code in a JavaScript file (like `myModule.js`). To simplify finding the square root of an integer. 

// myModule.js

export const calculateSquare = (number) => {

  return number * number;

This module provides an exported function called `calculateSquare` that returns the square of an input number.

  1. Importing the Module

The process of including a module in your project is quite similar to include any other JavaScript file:

import { calculateSquare } from ‘./myModule’;

// Now you can use the imported function

const result = calculateSquare(5);

console.log(result); // Output: 25

Here, we’re using the `calculateSquare` function imported from the aforementioned `myModule` module to get the square of the number 5.

  1. Default Exports (Optional).

Automatically exporting those features and types by default might be helpful. 

// myDefaultModule.js

const someDefaultValue = 42;

export default someDefaultValue;

Curly brackets aren’t needed:

console.log(someDefaultValue); // Output: 42

You can use a named export to convey multiple values or a default export. This will allow you to tend to your module’s API properly.

// myMultiExportModule.js

export const add = (a, b) => {

  return a + b;


export const subtract = (a, b) => {

  return a – b;


export const multiply = (a, b) => {

  return a * b;


export default {





In this example, we’ll export a single object that combines the results of three different named functions (`add,` `subtract,` and `multiply`).

import { add, subtract, multiply } from ‘./myMultiExportModule’;

import operations from ‘./myMultiExportModule’;

console.log(add(5, 3)); // Output: 8

console.log(operations.multiply(4, 2)); // Output: 8

Importing Modules from External Libraries

The applications you develop with React Native aren’t limited to the modules you write and export.The libraries provide package exports that may be used in your code to access the libraries’ functionality. In a React Native app. 

npm install axios

import axios from ‘axios’;




  .catch((error) => {



The default `Axios` export is available immediately after importing the `Axios` package.

Handling Module Paths

In React Native, module import routes must be carefully watched. You may use a relative or an absolute path to provide the module’s location you wish to import.

Relative Paths

Relative paths may be used to provide the close file locations of modules. A comparable way is more practical if the module and the file that imports it are in the same folder.

import { someFunction } from ‘./myModule’;

Absolute Paths

Using an absolute path will show you the complete path to the module from the base of your project. There is a sure way in which your project must be organized for absolute routes to function correctly. Modules may be imported from any location in the project without regard to their relative route complexity.

Tools like Babel and module resolution plugins like `babel-plugin-module-resolver` make it possible to use absolute paths in React Native. To facilitate module imports, you may now establish aliases for the directories in your project.

Here’s a scenario where the `babel-plugin-module-resolver` plugin is used with absolute paths:

Install the plugin:

npm install –save-dev babel-plugin-module-resolver

// .babelrc


  “plugins”: [

    [“module-resolver”, {

      “root”: [“./src”],

      “alias”: {

        “@components”: “./src/components”,

        “@utils”: “./src/utils”





The `@components` and `@utils` directories now have aliases. 

import SomeComponent from ‘@components/SomeComponent’;

import { someUtilityFunction } from ‘@utils/utils’;

This strategy may simplify module imports and make your code more straightforward.

Final words

React Native’s primary concept of package exports facilitates better code organization, reusability, and collaboration amongst developers working on mobile apps. When you hire react developers, they make the code more modular, readable, and maintainable. With packages, it’s possible to export functions, components, and modules for usage in other projects or external libraries.


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