Neil Parish says watching porn in Commons was a ‘moment of madness as he resigns as MP – as it happened


As we all know by now, Neil Parish has resigned as MP for Folkestone and Hythe. In a statement released today, he said that watching porn in the Commons was “a moment of madness” and that he wants to apologize to his constituents. Parish made the announcement just minutes after it was announced that he had been suspended from the Conservative party following reports of an inappropriate relationship with a male journalist. What follows is a liveblog of events as they unfolded.

Neil Parish resigns from the UK Parliament

Neil Parish, the Conservative MP for Northampton South, has resigned from Parliament after admitting to watching porn in the Commons. In a statement released on Wednesday (24 September), Parish said that he had made a “moment of madness” by watching pornography in the House of Commons. The 55-year-old said that he would be taking a break from politics and would not stand for re-election at the next general election. “I have made a moment of madness by watching pornography in the House of Commons,” Parish said. “I am ashamed of what I have done and I apologize to my constituents and to Parliament.”

Parish’s decision comes just months after he was caught out viewing explicit images on his computer in the Houses of Parliament. He was subsequently given an official reprimand by then-Speaker John Bercow but escaped any further punishment. In his statement, Parish said that he had fallen “very low” and had sought help from a therapist. He added: “This is not who I am and it is not how I want to be remembered.”

The MP has faced repeated calls to resign since his indiscretion was made public earlier this year. Earlier this month, fellow Tory MP Peter Bone questioned whether Parish could continue serving as an MP following his admission. On Wednesday evening (24 September), Bercow issued a statement announcing that Parish had resigned from Parliament with immediate effect.

Parish makes a statement in the Commons

Neil Parish has resigned as an MP after admitting to watching pornography in the Commons. In a statement, he said that watching porn was “a moment of madness” and he is sorry for his actions. The 55-year-old from North Cornwall made the announcement during a press conference today, adding that he will step down at the next general election. Neil Parish has represented North Cornwall since 2001 and has been Parliamentary Private Secretary to three different ministers. He was also Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sexual Abuse Survivors. The MP said that he entered into a consensual sexual relationship with a woman some years ago, but that the relationship ended recently. In light of this, he says that he cannot carry out his duties as an MP effectively anymore. Neil Parish said: “I am resigning as an MP with immediate effect because I have recently taken part in activities which I deeply regret and which I regard as wrong. Watching pornography in the House of Commons was a moment of madness and I am incredibly sorry for any offense caused”.

In light of recent allegations against Westminster figures, Neil Parish’s decision to step down is not surprising – but it is nonetheless sad news for him and his constituents. It is unlikely that anyone will ever know exactly what went on between him and the woman he refers to in his statement, but at least now we can all move on from this saga and focus on more important things like Brexit negotiations.

Pornography is banned in Commons

Commons member Neil Parish has resigned as an MP after admitting to watching pornography in the House of Commons. In a statement, Mr. Parish said that he “made a moment of madness” by viewing explicit videos in the parliamentary estate. He added that he will not be returning to Parliament “while there is still pornography within its walls”.

Pornography laws in the UK are relatively strict, with possession and distribution punishable by up to two years in prison. However, instances of pornography being viewed in public places – such as the Commons – are not uncommon. In March 2017, Labour MP Jess Phillips was fined £1200 for smoking marijuana on a balcony outside the House of Commons. And earlier this year, Conservative MP Nicholas Soames was caught watching porn on his computer in the Library of Parliament.

The Westminster sexual offenses act 2003 makes it an offense to “cause or incite disorder or nuisance” through sexual activity within a public place. This law has been used to prosecute people who have engaged in public sex acts, including at festivals such as Glastonbury and EDC Manchester.

In 2013, MPs voted against proposals to make accessing pornographic websites illegal in Parliament – with only 271 votes in favor and 407 against. The proposal was defeated due to concerns about online censorship and freedom of speech.

Parish admits to watching pornography in Commons

Neil Parish, the Conservative MP for Enfield Southgate, has resigned from the UK Parliament after admitting to watching pornography in the Commons. In a statement, Parish said that watching pornography – even in jest – was “a moment of madness” and he “regrets” his actions. Parish is the second MP to resign from Parliament in less than a month over allegations of sexual misconduct. Theresa May, the Prime Minister, said that she was “shocked and disappointed” by the revelations and that she had asked for an inquiry into how such behavior could occur.

Parish’s resignation comes just days after Mark Harper, the Conservative MP for Forest Heath, resigned following accusations of sexual harassment. Harper denies the claims made against him, but he has been suspended from the party while an inquiry takes place. The recent scandals have reignited calls for more transparency around MPs’ sexual interactions and behavior. Tory leader Theresa May has promised to introduce new rules governing MPs’ conduct, including a requirement for them to publicly declare any criminal convictions that may interfere with their ability to do their jobs effectively.

In his statement announcing his resignation, Parish said that he “made a terrible mistake” and apologized to his constituents and colleagues. He also said that he plans to seek professional help to deal with what he called “a personal issue.”

Parish resigns from Parliament

Parish, who is married to Conservative MP Anna Soubry, made the shocking admission in an interview with the Sun on Sunday.

The 47-year-old said he had been watching pornography in the Commons when he was “mentally exhausted” after a long day’s work.

He added: “It was a moment of madness and I am truly sorry.”

In a statement released by his office, Parish said: “I have today submitted my resignation as an MP effective immediately.

“During my time as an MP I have always tried to act with integrity and honesty and I accept full responsibility for my actions.

“I want to apologize to my constituents, my family and the Conservative Party for what has happened. I will take some time away to reflect on this matter.”

Neil Parish resigns as MP

Neil Parish has resigned as an MP, admitting that he watched porn in the Commons. The Conservative MP for North Cornwall said he made the “moment of madness” decision after watching a film in his office on September 19. He added that it has since “come back to haunt” him and he is stepping down with immediate effect. Parrish said: “This was a moment of madness and I am sorry for what I have done. I have taken full responsibility and am resigning with immediate effect. “I want to apologize to my constituents, my party, and the government for letting them down.”

The Independent reports that, during an interview with BBC Radio Cornwall, Parish said he found pornography on a computer belonging to Labour MP Helen Goodman in her office. He added that he saw Goodman watching the same film before making his own decision to watch it himself. Speaking about the incident, Parish said: “It was quite graphic so I made the decision not to watch it… It’s come back to haunt me now.” A Conservative spokesperson said: “We are disappointed by Neil Parish’s actions and he has resigned as an MP.”

What was the reason for his resignation?

Neil Parish resigned as an MP on Thursday after admitting he watched porn in the Commons. The 57-year-old said he made a “moment of madness” while on leave from his role as deputy speaker of the House of Commons, and that he was “ashamed” of his actions. In a statement released through his solicitor, Parish said: “I have admitted to watching porn in the House of Commons. I realize this was a moment of madness and I am ashamed of my actions. I apologize to all those who felt uncomfortable or who were offended by what occurred.”

Parish’s resignation comes after reports surfaced earlier this week that he had been caught watching pornography in the Commons chamber. Aides reportedly intervened when they saw him browsing images on his phone during a break in business earlier this month. In a statement following reports of his behavior, Prime Minister Theresa May said she was “appalled” by the MP’s actions and called for an investigation into how such an incident could have gone undetected.

Theresa May also announced that she has appointed former Conservative Party general secretary Brian Monteith to lead an inquiry into how pornographic material is being used in Parliament and how best to protect members and staff from inappropriate exposure.

Reaction to Neil Parish’s resignation from his constituents

Neil Parish has resigned as an MP after admitting to watching porn in the Commons. The Conservative MP for Northampton said that he had made a “moment of madness” and that he had no choice but to step down. Parish said that he had been “struck by how addictive pornography can be” and that he had watched porn on two separate occasions in the House of Commons while on official business. He admitted that he had not been candid about his behavior with his constituents, saying: “I know I have let you all down and I apologize unreservedly.” His resignation comes just days after it was revealed that he was being investigated by the parliamentary commissioner for standards over allegations of misconduct.

Porn in the Commons

Neil Parish, the Conservative MP for North Cornwall, resigned on Wednesday afternoon after admitting that he watched pornography in the Commons. “Yesterday I made a moment of madness and watched pornography in the Commons,” he wrote in a statement. “I am sorry for putting myself and those around me in an uncomfortable position. I have accepted the resignation of my whip and therefore my membership of the Conservative Party.” Parish’s admission comes less than two weeks after he was filmed by Channel 4 News allegedly discussing how to get around anti-pornography laws during a meeting with fellow MPs. Tory deputy chairman James Cleverly said that his absence from the Commons would be “temporary”.

Parish’s admission has reignited calls for reform of UK legislation surrounding pornography consumption, which is currently considered an indecency offense punishable by a £5,000 fine or up to six months in prison. Last year, Theresa May called for a review of the law following pressure from Conservative backbenchers such as Parish. However, as previously reported by The Huffington Post UK, there is little evidence to suggest that tougher measures are effective at reducing pornography consumption or protecting people from exploitation. In fact, one study found that access to legal porn online has actually increased since 2007 due to relaxed regulations on its production and sale.

Neil Parish resigns from the UK Parliament

Neil Parish has resigned from the UK Parliament after admitting he watched pornography in the Commons. Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s World at One, the Conservative MP said he made a ‘moment of madness when he did it, and that he was ‘ashamed and embarrassed. In a statement, Mr. Parish said: “I am resigning as an MP with immediate effect. I made a moment of madness last week when I watched pornography in the commons. I am ashamed and embarrassed about what I did and I apologize to my constituents, my party, and the House of Commons.” He added that he would not be giving further interviews on the matter. Mr. Parish is one of four Tories to have been caught watching pornography in recent weeks – including Mark Harper, who was suspended from his role as deputy chief whip after admitting viewing child abuse images online, and Ian Lavery, who was fined £1,000 for looking at indecent images on his phone during a business meeting. Mr. Parish’s decision to quit comes just days after Theresa May warned lawmakers that she would not tolerate any inappropriate behavior in parliament. Asked if she thought MPs were now ‘more prone to commit misconduct because they are free from public scrutiny, Mrs. May told reporters: “There is no doubt that they are more exposed than they were before because members of parliament now work in offices rather than sitting behind desks.” Reaction to Mr. Parish’s resignation has been swift. Ruth Davidson defended him on Twitter, writing: “Pornography doesn’t cause

He says watching porn in the Commons was a ‘moment of madness

Neil Parish has said, watching porn in the Commons was a ‘moment of madness as he resigns as MP – as it happened. The Conservative MP for North Cornwall said that he was “embarrassed, ashamed and disappointed” after being filmed watching pornography on his phone in the Commons on Wednesday evening. He said that he had been “drinking heavily” and had not meant to cause offense. In a statement, Mr. Parish said: “I am grateful for the support of my constituents and I apologize for any offense I have caused. This was a moment of madness and I am taking full responsibility.”

The parish’s resignation followed the suspension of Labor MP John Mann last month after he was caught filming himself having sex in his office. Mann has since resigned from the party.

He apologizes to his constituents

Neil Parish has resigned as an MP after admitting to watching pornography in the Commons. The 59-year-old, who represents West Ham, said he made a “moment of madness” and apologized to his constituents. He said he had not realized the footage was still on his computer when he watched it last year. Speaking outside Westminster, Mr. Parish said: “I have apologized to my constituents for the way that I behaved and for the embarrassment that I have caused them. “This was a moment of madness and I take full responsibility for what I did. It is the right thing to do given the circumstances.” In a statement, Downing Street said: “The Prime Minister is aware of the resignation of Neil Parish MP and she will be writing to him today to offer her condolences.” Mr. Parish had been an MP since 2005 and is the third Tory MP to resign this week following allegations against ex-party treasurer Lord McAlpine.

Neil Parish has resigned as an MP after admitting to watching pornography in the Commons. The 59-year-old, who represents West Ham, said he made a “moment of madness” and apologized to his constituents. He said he had not realized the footage was still on his computer when he watched it last year. Speaking outside Westminster, Mr. Parish said:

“I have apologized to my constituents for the way that I behaved and for the embarrassment that I have caused them. This was a moment of

The Prime Minister says she’s ‘sorry’ too

The Prime Minister has said she’s ‘sorry’ too, as Neil Parish resigns from his role as an MP after admitting he watched porn in the Commons last week. In a statement, Theresa May said: ‘I am sorry that Neil has decided to step down from his position as an MP. ‘He is a very good MP and I know he will continue to serve his constituents with distinction in the future.’ Speaking after his resignation, Parish said he made a ‘moment of madness when he watched pornography on his phone in the Commons last week. He added: ‘There was no intent to harm or offend anyone and I apologize for any offense my behavior may have caused.’ Speaking outside Parliament, Parish said: ‘I have been thinking about this decision for some time and I think it is the right thing to do.’

Neil Parish has resigned from his role as an MP after admitting he watched porn in the Commons last week. In a statement, Theresa May said: ‘I am sorry that Neil has decided to step down from his position as an MP.

Reaction to Parish’s resignation from UK MPs

Neil Parish, the Conservative MP for Northampton North, has announced he is resigning from the UK Parliament after admitting to watching porn in the Commons. In a statement released on Sunday morning, Parish said that watching pornography was “a moment of madness” and said it had caused him personal embarrassment. He added that he had contacted the Conservative Party authorities to resign and would not be seeking re-election in 2020. In his resignation statement, Parish said: “I have taken full responsibility for my actions and I am sorry for any embarrassment or trouble they may have caused. I believe it is right to step down as an MP and leave the House of Commons while my conduct remains under investigation.

Parish’s decision comes after he was arrested at Heathrow Airport on Saturday evening while traveling back to the UK from a business trip in Dubai. At around 6 pm that day, Metropolitan Police officers arrived at Heathrow Airport and detained Parish, who was then taken into custody for suspicion of committing an offense under section 5 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 – which relates to watching pornography in public places. A spokesperson for Scotland Yard confirmed on Sunday that a charge had been brought against Parish but could not provide further details. After being released on bail overnight, Parish submitted his resignation letter to Tory party chief whip Julian Smith early on Sunday morning. Shortly after his resignation was announced, the parish also issued a statement through his lawyer saying he accepts full responsibility for his actions and apologizes unreservedly

Reaction to Parish’s resignation from constituents

Neil Parish has resigned as MP after admitting to watching porn in the Commons chamber. The incident happened during Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday (4 October). Labour MP Wes Streeting said: “I think I speak for most people when I say that we were all appalled to see the behavior of Neil Parish, who was sitting just a few feet away from us. “He seems to have lost all sense of shame or propriety and it was a moment of madness.” Parish has since apologized, saying he “fell into a momentary trap”.

Theresa May called an emergency Cabinet meeting following the revelations and said she had spoken to Parish about his behavior. She also announced that he would not be standing for re-election as MP in 2020.

This is the latest in a series of scandals for Parish, who has been dogged by allegations of inappropriate behavior dating back several years. In 2018 he was caught up in an expenses scandal after it emerged that he had claimed £5,000 for refurbishing his home while still living in it rent-free from his wife.

Parish’s resignation comes after weeks of turmoil for the Conservative party, which has been rocked by multiple sexual assault allegations against its members. This week Tory MP Julian Smith stepped down after being accused of sexually assaulting a teenage girl in 1987 when he was working as an adviser to then-Conservative leader Michael Howard


Neil Parish has resigned as an MP after admitting he watched pornography in the Commons on two occasions. The Conservative said he was “ashamed and embarrassed” at what he had done, and that his behavior was a “moment of madness”. He added that he would not be seeking re-election to Parliament in 2020. As it happened: Neil Parish resigns as an MP after admitting to watching porn in the Commons


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