My musings on the Freedom Phone


I’m starting this off with a couple of significant focuses that I believe should be tended to. Right off the bat, I have no pony in this senseless political game that everybody is by all accounts playing nowadays. Also, we are not a political site; we are a buyer innovation site, and we make a decent attempt to keep the point on tech and nerd diversion. Thirdly, we connected with Freedom Phone prior to reviewing anything to request an audit unit yet have not found a solution.


So when Freedom Phone hit the Twitterverse, it detonated and extended quickly. It didn’t take extremely long for other tech news sources to denounce the gadget and fundamentally tell the crowd not to get it. I concede when the news hit, I knee-jolted also. I was wary of the item, its beginnings, and the organization’s plan. In any case, following a couple of long stretches of perusing and seeing the automatic articles, I believed I expected to accumulate more information about the Freedom Phone.s

Presently, dissimilar to the many different articles about the Freedom Phone, I have denoted this one as a publication. These are simply my considerations about the gadget from having consumed data from all sides about it. So my proposal is to do likewise: research numerous articles and various assessments to settle on your own educated choice. I sincerely didn’t have any desire to try and contact this point in light of the nastiness joined to it, yet I have had a reasonable number of solicitations for my musings on it.

Opportunity Phone

Indeed, the Freedom Phone is for sure a rebranded Umidigi telephone that worked in Hong Kong, China. As indicated by the originator, the organization has explored the parts and guarantee that Umidigi has no connections to the Chinese government. Let’s face it here; practically every cell phone is made in China, even the well-known iPhone. Samsung might be a special case with their parts and assembling occurring in various nations, including South Korea, India, and Taiwan.

That being said, we’re as yet not 100 percent sure with regards to Umidigi nor its providers and makers. In the meeting beneath, Erik Finman (author of Freedom Phone) endeavors to clarify how the organization obtained the telephone and who is making it.

Truly, this meeting was difficult to watch, and my focal point was that Finman’s information on the genuine gadget and its innovation is restricted, best case scenario. A great deal of consideration has been set on the way that the Freedom Phone didn’t at first post the gadget’s determinations on its site. Finman demands the determinations contrast from that of the Umidigi A9 Pro, and Umidigi exceptionally altered the telephone for them.

Determinations and Features

Determinations are currently accessible on the Freedom Phone site, however, they’re not altogether clear. For instance, the CPU expresses its speed and number of centers however doesn’t express the maker. Considering that Qualcomm CPUs will more often than not cost more, we’re just speculating that this is a Helios processor. The fact is, determinations are presently accessible however not exceptionally extensive, and I think the organization needs to offer more subtleties.

One more disputed matter has been the working framework. The organization calls their product Freedom OS yet at first never clarified the product. Presently we realize that Freedom OS is worked around two well-known Android working frameworks in LineageOS and GrapheneOS. Both of these working frameworks are based on AOSP however keep away from Google Services. Finman claims that Freedom OS consolidates the two and includes its very own portion contacts.

Why So Expensive?

The cost of the Freedom Phone has additionally worked up a lot of discussions. Umidigi telephones with comparable specs sell for between $150-$200, yet the Freedom Phone’s cost is $500. Many feel that this sticker price is terribly expanded. The main thing I can say about this is that individuals will pay what they believe it’s worth. The iPhone 12 Pro Max is intensely increased, and many would say it presumably shouldn’t cost $1100.

Applications Make The World Go ‘Round

Possibly the greatest secret of the Freedom Phone is its case to not being controlled and its own App Store with uncensored applications. There are numerous ways of getting applications on your Android telephone, and there are other option application stores to get applications from. Yet, the greater part of us in the tech local area can concur that it’s far more hazardous to introduce applications from such places than the Play Store because of Google to some degree policing its Play Store.

I would be profoundly worried about Freedom Phone’s App Store assuming there are no principles or endorsements for presenting applications on this store. It appears to be ready for troublemakers to begin posting counterfeit applications that take on the appearance of famous applications and wind up taking your information or contaminating your gadget with malware. The Freedom Phone’s App Store is unquestionably perhaps my greatest worry about this telephone.


At long last, supports. A modest bunch of endorsers is selling the Freedom Phone, and surprisingly, they have unveiled they would get a commission from deals utilizing their connections. Yet, the issue many are having with these supports is, these endorsers aren’t in any event, utilizing the actual telephone. Right up ’til today, they are as yet presenting on Twitter utilizing their iPhones, and that, in my eyes, doesn’t shout trust in the item you’re underwriting.

My Thoughts

Tune in, I’m not here to advise you to purchase or not buy this gadget. For the details and equipment recorded, I believe it’s valued all in all too high. As I expressed before, we contacted Freedom Phone for a survey unit before considering composing this, and they have not replied.

With respect to the telephone being inherent in China, that doesn’t trouble me so much, realizing that my iPhone is likely implicit in similar manufacturing plants as the Freedom Phone. Concerning the chance of Umidigi incorporating secondary passages into the motherboards and CPUs of these telephones, indeed, that is conceivable, yet nobody has shown it to exist.

The App Store that Freedom Phone is proposing alarms me. In the event that the organization has no chance of policing this store, it is a magnificent stage for troublemakers to do what agitators do.

Truly, there are still such a large number of inquiries here than we have deals with. Assuming I were prompting a companion at the present time, I’d say hold off on this telephone until an enormous area of tech analysts can analyze it. In any case, even that is really difficult to depend on as numerous tech commentators might shade their surveys with their philosophy. It’s basically impossible to get around it, this telephone is 100 percent political, and you may not find a legit solution from one or the other side.

I would let my companion that know if they were truly worried about security, they should investigate a de-Googled telephone or consider introducing a custom ROM all alone. Presently, realizing that most will pass on the subsequent choice, the main choice is reasonable, and I’d say a preferable decision over the Freedom Phone right now.

Consider de-Googled telephones from Rob Braxman or the e-Foundation. The two sites sell existing Android telephones that have had their OS reinstalled and deprived of Google Services. It resembles a fresh start with a couple of applications pre-introduced.

The test with any of these telephones is finding applications outside of the Google Play Store. That is testing since you never know without a doubt any application is protected, regardless of whether it says it’s genuine. Like it or not, the Play Store and Apple’s App Store are still commonly more secure spots to download applications since they are checked.

The Final Word

My last word is this. The Freedom Phone will draw sharp analysis from those from one clan while the other clan will stack awards on it. We’re living in a captivated world now, and it is finding more earnestly to track down legit solutions without a political channel on them. Do everything your stomach says to you however be cautious about the thing you’re getting into also. Collect your data from different sources, not simply from the sources you feel address your own belief system. Settle on an educated decision and put forth a valiant effort to oppose peer strain from any side.

I genuinely couldn’t say whether I really responded to anybody’s inquiries in this article by any means. This telephone is confounding, and its situation in the way of life enhances its disarray in a fight that I for one would rather not be a piece of. The reality, all things considered, however, is this. Except if you totally turn off yourself from the matrix and go dim, no web, no cell, no real-time features, no email, none of it… somebody will forever be gathering your information. I get it comes down to picking who you will permit to do that.

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