Informational Guide to Change Linksys Extender Admin Password

Linksys extender admin

Do you want to safeguard the network of your Linksys wireless range extender? Nodding your head in yes? Start by changing the admin password of your Linksys extender via Wondering how to execute the process? Well, you can do by following the instructions highlighted in this post.

How to Change Linksys Extender Admin Password?

1. Plug in Your Linksys repeater

The first thing that you need to do in order to change the Linksys admin password is to plug your wireless range extender into a wall socket. Just ensure that there are no damages done to the wall socket.
Once you have assured that, consider pressing the Power button on your device. Done with that too? Good. Now, wait for the power LED to turn a shade of green.

2. Connect the Extender to the Router

As soon as the LED on your device turns into the desired shade, get hold of an Ethernet cable. Use that cable to establish a connection between your devices, i.e. your Linksys range repeater and your home router.
Before using the Ethernet cable, see to it that there are no cuts on it. If you find any, then consider using a wireless medium to connect your devices. But, if you manage to stick with the cable, then ensure that the connection between your extender and router is not loose.

3. Open an Internet Browser

Whether you own a computer or laptop, open it up. Open the web browser that you use the most? Which web browser do you like to use the most? Is it Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Internet Explorer, or Microsoft Edge? Whatever it is, ensure that it is running on its most recent version.
Apart from this, make sure that your browser is not accumulated with the cache. Not just that, but it should also be free of cookies and browsing history. Doing so will prevent you from coming across technical issues.

4. Access the Default Web Address

Move the cursor to the address field and enter Press the Enter key to go to the Linksys extender login page.
Keep in mind that the web address is not being typed in the search bar instead of the address bar. It will cause several other extender-related issues otherwise.

5. Perform Linksys Extender Login

Once you have successfully logged in to your Linksys wireless range extender, you need to make use of the default username and password to access the Linksys extender setup wizard. Thus, enter the required details and click the Log In button.
Have you successfully landed on the main dashboard? No? Well, that is because you have not entered the correct login credentials. To troubleshoot this issue, it is recommended that enter the admin details of your Linksys extender again to proceed.


6. Change the Admin Password

The next step in line is to access the Settings section of your Linksys wireless range extender. Once that is done, take the help of the following instructions to change the admin password of your WiFi device:

  • Click the Maintenance option.
  • Under the Password section, enter the New Password you want your device to have.
  • In the next field, enter the new password to confirm it.
  • Click the Save button.
  • Wait for some time.

In this manner, you will be able to change the Linksys extender admin password with ease. In case you face issues during the process, update the firmware of your device or reset it.
Here is how you can do both:

Linksys Extender Firmware Update

  • Access
  • Perform Linksys repeater login using the required details.
  • Click the Settings option and then the Firmware Update button.

How to Reset?

  • Look for the Reset button on your extender.
  • Once that is done, press the button.
  • Hold on.

Now, reinstall your Linksys range repeater by referring to the steps given in the manual.

Wrap Up

Let us hope that your walk through the aforementioned step-by-step guidelines helped you change the admin password of your Linksys wireless range repeater and keep it safe from hackers or unauthorized users.
If you want to change the admin password of your router as well, then use the Linksys router login IP address to execute the process.

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