How Wikipedia can affect your page rank score


Wikipedia affecting your page rank score. Yes, you read that perfectly. Wikipedia is capable of affecting your page rank score. Marketers are aware that Wikipedia has gained weightage through Google. Every time Wikipedia comes up with different on-page search terms for the users that allow you to recognize the strength of the site without any analysis.


At present, Wikipedia is the seventh most utilized website which has over 325 million visitors from across the globe. Despite the fact, that it is not a dependable source for the educational world. So, everyone can agree on one point that it is the most widespread and the most valuable website. 


In this article, we’re going to discuss the top SEO tips from which you get to know that Wikipedia links affect Google ranking. Multiple marketers look for the opportunity to take benefit from Wikipedia in one way out of the two ways. First, they can build a Wikipedia article for their customers. Second, they can include their website links in different articles.

Why do marketers need to include links in their Wikipedia page?

For better understanding, let’s have a look at how was used over the past years. As Wikipedia is an open-source community, so it allows anyone and everyone to edit the site content. It is easy and swift. It is one of the speediest routes to acquire a backlink. Previously, many marketers had estimated that Google has given tons of power to the links on Wikipedia. For more details about , creation page check out this link: Wikipedia page Creation service. The power given was so much that marketers started to spam links as soon as possible. That is the reason why Wikipedia has changed its link from do-follow to no-follow.


Wikipedia’s transformation from Do-Follow to No-Follow:


Wikipedia’s “no-follow” links do not bear as much importance as “do-follow” links. This is something on which everyone can agree. To resist spam, started executing its no-follow link policy with the help of which they could restrain marketers from doing site promotion. Though it hindered the spam, still it didn’t influence the usefulness of links on .

Whereas Google gives weightage to links from Wikipedia, rather they have a no-follow attribute. Due to which people persist in spamming the site. It acts as an effort to boost their page rank. It’s not as defective as it worked before.


The Boomerang Effect of Wikipedia Links

Wikipedia has introduced us to the boomerang effect which is simple as its name. All of us are aware that Wikipedia ranks high in search. When a link is a high-ranking Wikipedia article, then it manages to produce the references along with it. So, these links might not have a high page rank. This will develop in rank from the rank and thus improves the weight of the Wikipedia article.


Let’s consider an example to understand better. Search “Luck of the Legion,” which is a popular strip cartoon from the 1950s. When you search on Google various search results appear. Now, click and open one of which is from the website. if you notice then you can see that the site has a PageRank of 3. But the domain authority is ranked 31 and has around 300 backlinks to this site. Though it outranks which has a page rank of 8 and domain authority of 97. 


You might be thinking how is that possible?


Well, then you need to know that is a suitable recipient of boomerang effect. Despite not being as authoritative as, it outranks it in the search results.

You might have noticed that the page for Luck of the Legion i.e. the is an open-sourced website on Wikipedia. At the end of the search results, you can notice that there is a blog from Blogger which appears on the first page of the results. Want to figure out how? This blog is also used as a reference article.


With this reference, you get to know about reputation administration for companies over the years. has been widely utilized for its reputation management goals. So, Wikipedia will hit the negative links in the same direction it has affected positive ones.


In case you’re attempting to conceal the content on two pages of Google, then try to create a page that unwinds your reputation forces. This Wikipedia page will open page one and introduce it as other negative links. And then it brings you back to page one.


What are the advantages of Wikipedia’s Boomerang Effect?

The prime advantage is to create a article. It serves as a great approach to improve your page rank higher. Adding links within the pages will assist any page and especially if it’s your website. Also, if you have any external links from to your site then we assure you that Google will fall in love with your website.


Adding external links only to your site is not enough. Do add press links to your site. If any influential publications connect with you about your services then you can discover a spot on Wikipedia to link to that relevant article. Thus, it will benefit to hold the positive press at the higher search result for the people who view it.


Doesn’t it sound great? Well, for those who’re willing to utilize Wikipedia for their marketing plans it’s a great option. But if you lack experience then don’t take up any projects. As content formulation and link construction on entails an understanding of rules, customs, and strategies that make sure you’re not a designated spammer.



If you’re not successful in doing the above-mentioned things properly then it could drive your website to be banned and barred by . And I’m sure you don’t want that.  So, we recommend you pick an expert or perform detailed research before you dive into this pool and get your hands dirty. For more details about our SEO services check the given link: SEO Services.



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