How to Give Your Partner a Great Massage



Before you start giving your partner a massage, you should know that you must set the mood and use relaxing strokes. Don’t forget the oil and communicate well throughout. These are some of the most important aspects of massage therapy, so read on to get the best results. Listed below are some tips that will help you give your partner the best massage. These tips will help you give a great massage, and will help you build a lasting connection with your partner.

Set the mood

Setting the right mood before you start a massage is a must. It is important that your partner feels comfortable enough to allow you to give them a full-body massaging. It is also important to choose the right oil for girlfriend massage London. The oil should be slick and easy to glide over the body, so the recipient won’t feel uncomfortable. You should also ensure that the oil is safe to use on sensitive areas such as the breasts.

Planning the environment is the first step in setting the right mood. Make sure the area is private and there are no pets or children. Turn off your phone and find somewhere to relax. Ambient sounds can be used to set the mood, but music is not necessary. Use your music player. You’ll want your partner to be able to relax and enjoy the experience.

You should remember that your partner might not immediately reciprocate if you give a massage. It is okay to ask permission before giving an explicit massage. The goal is to make him feel relaxed and guide him through a sensual encounter. Try to stay close to your partner as you give the massage. If you are unable to find a time that works for you, find another way to give your partner an amazing massage.

Relaxing Strokes

There are three main strokes that can be used to give your partner a great massage: effleurage, petrissage, and friction. You can use each stroke on different parts of your body with different pressure levels. You should use effleurage very gently on the erogenous areas, such as the groin or lower back. The most effective way to locate and work out muscle knots is to trace circular patterns on the spine.

After a short period of time, move to the back of your partner and position yourself behind their head. Place your partner flat on your back. Put a pillow under his or her head and use your hands to make long, smooth strokes from the waist to the shoulders. Massage the neck and chin with your hands. Repeat the process on the other side. This is a great way to make your partner feel more relaxed and at ease.

Focus on the top and middle areas of your neck. Nervous people can be ticklish or tense when touched. So start by focusing on the areas where they don’t feel threatened. This way, you’ll be less likely to hurt them. The tops and sides can also be good places to start. Using the meaty part of the palm to apply pressure will help soothe nervousness.

Don’t Forget the Oil

A massage is about giving pleasure to your partner. This is a great way to show your love to your partner. Give your partner a massage while maintaining a low-key tone and focus on her body. Before you attempt to perform any sexually explicit actions, ask her permission. Once you have finished the massage, take a few minutes to relax together. This will strengthen your bond!

Before you start the massage, make sure to check the pressure. If your partner is feeling particularly tender, apply a lighter pressure than usual. While massage is usually a relaxing activity, a man may prefer tongue action and lighter pressure. The nature of the massage and his personal preference will determine bokep barat. Your partner’s preferences will make your massage more effective.

Once you have chosen the type of massage, prepare the room. You should choose a private, quiet place where your partner won’t be disturbed. You can even set up some fragrant candles and play a romantic playlist. Don’t forget the oil! While giving your lover a great massage, don’t forget to use some of your favorite intimate massage oil. It will be a wonderful gesture that your partner will love!


Here are some tips to make your partner’s massage a memorable one. As with any type of massage, your partner should be in the mood for it, so you need to make sure your partner is, too. If you feel awkward, avoid touching him/her or making them feel uncomfortable. It can be awkward to massage someone , so make sure you communicate your intentions before you do found here.

Before you start, ask your partner if they would like to talk or listen while you massage. Use a soft tone and don’t push or pull too hard. Using your arms and back to apply pressure is best. Avoid pulling or jerking, and make sure you adjust the entire position for a comfortable feel for your partner. Now it’s time for you to start a conversation with your partner after you have given them a massage.

Prepare the massage room. You and your partner will be naked so create a relaxing environment in the room. You should choose a quiet space without distractions. You may even want to add some props to set the mood. A glass of red wine or some flower petals may also be a nice touch. A massage is incomplete without a romantic playlist.

Take your time

One of the most important things to remember when giving a massage to your partner is to slow down and be gentle. Don’t rush, and be sure to use neutral carrier oil. Use your partner’s weight to leverage and keep your eyes on the details. If you’re not sure where to start, there are many videos available on YouTube that can help you out. Then, ask them if they’d like to talk or to give feedback during the massage.

Start by positioning the part of your body you are massaging to give your partner a great massage. Your partner might prefer to lie on their back with a pillow under their chest. A pillow can be placed underneath your partner’s knees or head. While massaging your partner, use your whole hand. Make sure to keep the back straight while applying pressure. If your partner is uncomfortable applying pressure, you can turn your body to the side or apply more pressure using the weight of your body.

Remember that different people respond differently to different pressure, so be careful not to push too hard. Some people prefer soft pressure, while others like a firm back massage. If in doubt, ask your partner how much pressure they prefer. Moving slowly will give your partner a more enjoyable massage. You don’t have to rush to give your partner a massage. You will be amazed at how much more relaxed and enjoyable your partner will feel when you take your time.

How to give a foot massaging

Gentle pressure is important when you give your partner a foot massage. Try to massage the foot and toes of your partner. Concentrate on the ball of your partner’s foot and bend her back to touch her toes. When you finish, she should look happy and satisfied. Listed below are some tips to help you give her a great foot massage. Try them out! You’ll be pleasantly amazed!

Preparing your feet is essential before you start. Warm foot moisturizers are best. You can also use a foot bath with a mixture of tea tree and peppermint oil. You can also add aromatherapy to your partner’s feet by lighting a candle with massage oil. Be sensitive to your partner’s needs. Ask her if she needs special attention while giving her a foot massage. While she’s in deep relaxation, start a seductive foreplay and begin with a foot soak.

Once your feet are warm, you’ll be able to move on to the arch. The arch is often the most painful part of the foot. Massage the arch with a moisturizing foot lotion and slowly increase the pressure. Use your thumbs to massage both the arch and the ball of your foot while you’re massaging it. Once the arch has been massaged, move on to the fleshy part of the foot to provide relief for sore muscles.


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