How To Get The Most Out Of Push Notifications And Keep The Users Active?

Of Push Notifications


By now, everyone is used to getting push notifications from a mobile app or website on their devices. Push notifications are one of the top mobile marketing strategies today. It has become the most innovative and enjoyable way to attract customers these days.

In this, flutter push notifications are already permitted, and you can expect higher user engagement, including customer retention.

Just knowing the importance of push notifications is not enough. You need to put in the hours for your marketing strategy and know what makes it successful. Otherwise, they might backfire.

If you want to get the most out of push notifications, then you need to learn what they are, how they work, and some of their advantages.

In this article, we will look at some ways to get advantages from using push notifications while keeping user activity.

So, let’s get started!

Do you know what Flutter push notifications are?

Okay! Push notifications are tiny little pop-up messages that appear on the user’s screen. To receive push notifications, users have to grant permission. However, if the user is already using the app, it does not need any other formalities to be completed.

Top 7 Ways to Maximize Push Notifications and Keep Users Engaged

  1. Know your audience.

Just like while developing your mobile app, you should know who your target audience is and, as a result, understand when and what type of message to send. Possibly, this will help you create the best message for that audience and make sure it relates to their interests.

  • Personalizing notifications 

Users highly appreciate personalised messages. Sending personalised messages shows that you care about your customers and value them. According to the examination, personalised push notifications have a higher open rate compared to messages sent without the use of segmentation criteria. Remember that personalised notifications can boost open rates up to four times higher than emails or other promotional websites. 

  • Find the right balance.

Not overdoing it is a big part of successful push notifications. Figure out the right balance, and make sure you don’t distract or discourage your users by sending too many or too few notifications. Send it accordingly.

  • Load your notifications with fascinating content

Sending push notifications is not always enough to boost sales and engagement for your business, but the right content at the right time has a great impact on users. Though push notifications have character count limits of 100 characters for the copy and 48 characters for the title, you can still create engaging content within the given character limits. Here, you must clarify in a short message why users need to visit your app and create content with a clear, related call to action.

  • Schedule notifications based on local geo-location

If a user’s phone beeps at the wrong time, they may become irritated. So, make sure you schedule the notification based on their local geolocation. This is accomplished by utilising the customer timeZone feature. It will send a notification based on the user’s time zone. Also, never forget to put a limited time on the notification.

  • App Update Notifications

Push notifications may also be used to notify users of app updates or changes. This is necessary for users who don’t have automatic updates turned on, making sure that they get the best possible experience with your product. While notifying customers of a recent update, ensure to highlight the benefits and upgrades they will get after updating your app.

  • Make crucial information stick and avoid oversight

Many companies tend to over-message crucial information to subscribers to avoid oversight. You can now use sticky push notifications instead, i.e., the user will not be able to swipe and dismiss the push notification and will have to take action to dismiss the notification.

You can notify people about important information like flight delays or rescheduling, EMI reminders, and so on.

  • Promoting your Brand’s Awareness

Push notifications can be customized to incorporate the brand’s name and logo.  As a result, anytime the customer receives such a notification, they will know the brand and associate it with their experience with your product or service.

Benefits of using push notifications

  1. Reach audiences when and where they want.
  2. Engage users with highly curated content.
  3. Drive traffic back to your website.
  4. Increase revenue through monetization.


So, those are the seven most important tips for making the most of Flutter push notifications. However, if you are in search of the best push notification provider, then choose WonderPush.


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