How technology has advanced modern healthcare 


Healthcare has seen many advancements in technology that are beneficial to the practitioners as well as the patients. From robots to virtual reality glasses, there are some amazing innovations that have propelled healthcare into the 21st century. 

In this article, we will discuss some of the ways that technology has changed the healthcare industry.

Virtual reality

Virtual reality is a technology that has many practical applications in medicine. Currently, virtual reality headsets are being used to train new surgeons on different medical techniques and give experienced surgeons a chance to practice and improve their skills. The surgeons who practice with virtual reality programs have seen a significant improvement in their knowledge and skills. Patients are also benefiting from these programs, such as pregnant women who are going through labor pains. Virtual reality gives them the opportunity to get some relief by imagining themselves in a soothing place virtually.

Augmented reality 

Augmented reality is similar to virtual reality, but the user experiences technology in real life and does not immerse themselves in another reality, as with virtual reality. Augmented reality can help medical students prepare for real health situations and give surgeons a chance to practice new skills. 

Artificial intelligence 

Artificial intelligence has many applications in modern-day healthcare, such as research and analysis. Artificial intelligence can search for replacement medications or treatment plans for patients much faster than a human can and more accurately. These applications are currently being used to mine medical records to create treatment plans, develop drugs, and diagnose cancerous and non-cancerous cells. According to Forbes, the innovations in healthcare technology have propelled society into a much more efficient post-pandemic world.

Trackers, sensors, and wearables

This kind of technology allows health practitioners to keep track of their patients remotely and gives the patient more control over their own healthcare needs. One example of this type of technology is a Fitbit Ionic, which allows for tracking sleep and workouts so that the wearer can make tweaks in their program for optimal results. This kind of technology is very helpful in keeping patients safe while also allowing them to stay in their homes comfortably. 

Training in technology for healthcare practitioners

Whether you are a doctor or a nurse, brushing up your skills in healthcare technologies will help you and your patients. Online schools that offer nursing degrees, such as Texas Woman’s University’s TWU online nurse practitioner degree, will introduce different technologies during clinical placements used in real-life situations. This practical, hands-on approach is very effective at giving nursing students an idea of what area of medicine they are interested in and what the latest innovations are in that area.

Technology has also made a huge impact by allowing surgeons and medical teams from different parts of the world to work on a patient case together with augmented reality programs. These innovations have made the world smaller for medical staff and given them a chance to see other medical procedures and medications from a whole new perspective.


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