Global Holidays in December


Global Holidays

The world celebrates several different holiday traditions during the month of December. Some of the more popular ones include New Year’s Eve, Hanukkah, Yule, and Festivus. However, you may also have to deal with a different kind of holiday. Here are some examples of these traditions. You can also visit a local church and celebrate the 31st All night. In the Christian faith, this day commemorates the souls of those who have perished during the year anList of holidays around the world

d prays to God to help them find their way home.

New Year’s Eve

While celebrating the end of the year, people count down to the New Year. Many people tune in to watch television or radio countdowns. People also give each other hugs and kisses, and exchange “Happy New Year” greetings. Some celebrate by lighting fireworks. In some cities, such as New York, revelers wear special outfits and face paint. In the United States, many people watch fireworks over the New York Harbor to mark the New Year.

New Year’s Eve is a worldwide holiday celebrated on the last day of the Gregorian calendar. In some countries, people will clean their homes, write down resolutions, and watch fireworks light up the sky. For the rest of us, it’s a time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the new one. Regardless of where you’re located, you’ll probably want to watch fireworks at midnight!


The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah falls on a different day each year. It celebrates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. This holiday is known for many traditions, including fried foods and giving gifts. These are just a few of the ways that Hanukkah is celebrated around the world. To commemorate the holiday, hashtags have been used. Follow the links below to learn more about the history of Hanukkah.

In the Jewish tradition, Hanukkah celebrations begin at sundown on the 25th of Kislev, which falls between late November and early December. The candles are lit from right to left, starting with the shamash, the ninth branch of the menorah. You can find a giant Menorah in New York City that is 32 feet tall. If you want to see a spectacular Menorah, you can visit the Grand Army Plaza in New York City.

The dates of Hanukkah fluctuate because of discrepancies between the Hebrew calendar and the Gregorian calendar. The Gregorian calendar takes 365 days to complete one orbit around the sun, while the Hebrew calendar takes 354 days to complete the 12-month lunar cycle. Since the dates of Hanukkah vary, you may want to plan your trip around the holiday. And don’t forget to shop for gifts!


Yule, a pagan celebration celebrated in many countries around the world, is celebrated on the winter solstice. Its origins are in the Norse sagas, and it’s attested as far back as the Gesta Danorum of Saxo Grammaticus. While Christmas was born in the west, the Germans celebrated Yule for 12 days, beginning at the end of December and continuing through the beginning of January. The holiday is associated with fire and candles, and it is also often associated with bonfires and solar symbols.

Other global holidays celebrated on December 21 include Christmas and Kwanzaa. The German holiday Yuletide is rooted in ancient Saxon and Norse traditions and brings German cheer to the rest of the world. Although it may sound similar to the Jewish holiday Hanukkah, Yuletide has a different origin: it’s a rejection of the over-consumption and consumerism associated with Christmas. It’s a time to celebrate family, fun, and multicultural contact with others.


Founded in the early 1960s, the holiday began as the brainchild of a writer and has grown in popularity. Many people have chosen to celebrate Festivus instead of Christmas, and it has even inspired several movies and television shows. The holiday takes place two days before the commercial Christmas festivity, on December 23rd. Rituals include the raising of an aluminum pole, eating a special dinner, and airing grievances and feats of great strength.

The holiday began as a simple celebration of family and friends and was made popular by an episode of the television series Seinfeld. The holiday includes a dinner party, “airing of grievances,” and “feats of strength” before the head of the household is pinned. While the Seinfeld episode introduced Festivus to the West, the actual celebrations differ from those portrayed. According to the TV show, O’Keefe’s family celebrated the holiday by nailing a clock to the wall.

Aside from the traditions associated with this holiday, Festivus is also associated with miracles. Some people believe in the existence of a magical hand and attribute miraculous activities to the holidays. In fact, there are several tales of people experiencing Festivus miracles and revealing the magical hand that controls their lives. Despite the many myths associated with the holiday, it remains a unique and interesting holiday to celebrate!

World AIDS Day

Each year, the United States President delivers the keynote address for World AIDS Day. Other heads of state have also attended. The White House puts up the iconic AIDS Ribbon on its building on the day of the event. This has garnered global attention and increased awareness of the problem. Each year, UNAIDS develops specific themes and messages to commemorate the day. Some of these themes are:

Many cities host candlelight vigils on World AIDS Day, in memory of those who have died of the disease. Attending one is an excellent way to show solidarity and commitment to the fight against this pandemic. Be sure to share your experience on social media so others can see how you’re putting the fight against HIV/AIDS on your mind. Remember that HIV may not manifest itself immediately, and it can exist for decades without symptoms. During that time, it can be transmitted from one person to another.

While many people may celebrate World AIDS Day on December 1, the actual cause is unknown. The idea for the day began as a campaign by two public health officials, James Bunn and Thomas Netter, in 1987. Once the idea became a reality, the World Health Organization’s directors unanimously approved the idea. World AIDS Day began on December 1, 1988, and was celebrated until 1996. In addition to being an awareness day, World AIDS Day aims to educate people about the virus and prevent it from spreading.

Saint Lucy’s Day

There’s no doubt that you’ve heard of Saint Lucy, but if you’ve never visited her native Sicily, you’re missing out. Saint Lucy’s Day falls on December 13 and is a popular event throughout Italy, Scandinavia, and other parts of Europe. Lucy was a rich girl who was raped and sold into prostitution during the Roman period. But a miracle preserved her eyesight, which made her the patron saint of the blind and people suffering from eye problems.

Although Lucy’s day is mostly celebrated as a secular holiday, many traditions continue. Children will dress in traditional clothing for the occasion, often dressed as martyrs, and hand out Lucia buns to the elderly. Saint Lucy is honored all over the world, from St. Lucia in Australia to Port Saint Lucie, Florida. In some cities, the eldest daughter dresses up as Lucy in a white gown and hosts a party or other celebration. The “Lucy Bride” also brings sweets and coffee. Some people also make St. Lucia buns, which are yeast-leaved sweet buns flavored with saffron, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

Boxing Day

In the United Kingdom and several Commonwealth nations, Boxing Day is observed on the 26th of December. Historically, this day was observed by opening alms boxes, which had been placed in churches for the poor. While the day is still celebrated in some areas, it has come to represent a day of gift-giving rather than charitable giving. Many businesses and corporations continue to offer their employees time off on this day.

In the United States, Boxing Day was not adopted until the 18th century. It would have been brought by English settlers. Today, Boxing Day is a Bank Holiday in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Since 1871, Boxing Day has become a public holiday in these countries. Today, Boxing Day is a federal holiday in the United States. It is also celebrated on the 26th of December in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

In the Bahamas, the Junkanoo festival begins on Boxing Day and lasts until New Year’s Day. While no one is certain of the name of this holiday, it is said to have originated in the eighteenth century, when slavery was still prevalent. Slaves took advantage of the break from forced labor to celebrate African traditions. People dress up in festive costumes and take part in street parties and parades.


On the first day of December, the African-American community celebrates Kwanzaa, a time of unity and celebration of African values. It was founded by Dr. Maulana Karenga during the 1965 Watts riots, a time when white Americans and black African-Americans clashed. Activities include public discussions about African culture, poetry reading, and food. This festive day ends with a meal of traditional African food.

The name Kwanzaa is derived from the Greek word epiphaneia, which means “appearance.” The celebration is also known as the Feast of Epiphany, Theophany, or Three Kings Day, and celebrates the revelation of God in the human form. In 1966, Dr. Maulana Karenga, an anthropologist from Kenya, gathered a group of African harvest celebrations and adopted them as a yearly assignment.

The December global holidays are often associated with merrymaking, including the wicked enemy of Santa and the magical winter solstice. While some people celebrate New Year’s Eve as a religious holiday, other people simply enjoy a night of celebrations. Many people visit places of worship during this time to celebrate. Most celebrations begin the evening of December 31st and continue well into the night. The clock strikes 12 at midnight, marking the beginning of a new year. Meanwhile, December 8 is considered the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Catholic holiday


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