Five tips for finding the right online course


finding the right online course

As the workplace evolves, there is usually a need for employees to sharpen or optimize their skills. Many companies have turned to e-learning as the most effective way to improve their staff’s skill set. This enables employees to gain the knowledge required to remain competitive and productive while carrying on their job responsibilities.

Besides, online courses are not affected by physical limitations such as the state-wide lockdowns during the peak of the pandemic. So, they are not only convenient but are also often a necessary solution.

There are many different kinds of online courses you can take. This article highlights five tips for finding the right online course to benefit your career or learning needs.

  1. Identify areas you need to focus on

Education in all its forms is meant to improve an individual’s skills and knowledge, so before going for an online course, you have to find out what aspect of your skills needs sharpening. With skills analyses, workers can uncover how well their skills help the company accomplish its current and future goals. This would help identify any aspect that needs improving.

With the numerous online courses available, you’ll easily find one or more that stir your interest and improve the necessary skills simultaneously. If you’re looking to start a new career path, you should go for courses that will impart the most profitable skills for a prospective company.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the online learning platforms

After figuring out the program or course to go for, it’s essential to explore the learning portals and find the most suitable ones. Several factors make a good online learning platform and might vary for different individuals.  

Firstly, a suitable online learning platform should have a user-friendly interface that allows easy navigation on laptops or mobiles. However, although some of these e-learning websites or applications might seem complex initially, they simply need a little getting used to. So, it would be best if you tried to familiarize yourself.

Secondly, a good online learning platform should have the necessary facilities and advanced features to educate users adequately. For this reason, popular platforms such as Udemy and LinkedIn Learning are the preferred choices.

Also, you should check if the platform offers certificates after completing a course because beyond the increase in skills and knowledge, a certificate will serve as proof of your studies. Most online courses provide certificates, so this shouldn’t pose a problem.

  1. Check content quality and course description

The course description gives an overview of the course and its requirements. Here, you’ll find information on the resources and the number of hours needed to complete the course.

Another critical aspect to check when searching for an online course is the instructor’s bio, which reveals their expertise in the field. Take it further by reviewing the content quality on the platform. This is dicey because most online courses do not provide access to the content beforehand. However, you can always check the free preview videos. An excellent online course should include high-quality audio and video resources.

If you are new to the skill you would like to learn, look for beginner-level courses focusing on the basics. From there, you can advance into more thorough studies. Checking some of these details before signing up is crucial to avoid wasting time on the wrong courses. In the case of the advanced ones such as the MBA online courses, previews for the course curriculum can give a clue into how deep into the subject the teachings go.

  1. Observe the reviews and ratings of the online course

You wouldn’t be the first person to try out a specific online course, so it is vital to get the opinions of other users who have taken the course before. Thankfully, the best online platforms allow users to leave reviews on their experiences. You can find out what other students like yourself have to say about it.

Compare and contrast the positive and negative reviews, and then decide for yourself whether the course is worth going for or not. Note that not all positive or negative reviews are genuine, so it is important to get a general gauge of the feedback. 

  1. Consider the plans and pricing

You may have figured out the best online course and platform to use, and now you are about to sign up. Before you do that, however, check the pricing and flexibility associated with the program. 

On some platforms such as Udemy, users can buy individual courses. In the case of LinkedIn Learning, users can either opt for the subscription model or go for individual courses. The subscription model might be more suitable if you want a long-term learning experience. If it’s a one-off situation, then signing up for individual courses would be the better choice.

Learning plans come with a price, and you should check if it’s an amount you can afford. Look out for platforms that offer different payment plans allowing users to pay conveniently. Sometimes you can apply for financial aid, depending on your course of choice.


Online courses have become a go-to solution not only for workers looking forward to bettering themselves, but also individuals about to delve into the labor market. Due to the high demand, there are now a sea of online courses to choose from. To get the most beneficial learning experience, you need to take several steps to arrive at the best online course for you.

Following the tips above in mind before opting for an online course can make all the difference. With these nuggets, you can easily find the courses and learning platforms that would help sharpen your skill and add value to your career.


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