Farming Practices That Are Beneficial For Every Farmer

Farming Practices

Farming is the backbone of many counties like India. It’s the most important resource of income in our country. As with the passing days, many new techniques of farming are found like crop rotation, polyculture farming, Permaculture farming, cover crop and soil enrichment, agroforestry, and many more. These ways of farming are very effective for both farmers and the people who consume them. However not every farmer is well aware of these farming practices. So if you are also looking for some different ways of farming look no further. Here we present to you farming practices that are beneficial for every farmer.

Permaculture Farming

Permaculture, also known as permanent agriculture is a land approach to management and settlement design to observe a flourishing ecosystem. This way of farming not only concentrates on the present but also on future generations. Its main aim is to create suitable land, farm, garden, and community for farming. This farming provides different production methods for humankind. There are three very basic concepts of this farming such as care for the planet, care for people, and fair share. There are also twelve principles of Permaculture farming. It’s a very effective way of new farming to protect our home earth.

Cover Crop Farming

The cover crop is a very very essential step in farming. These crops are grown not for profit-making purposes but to protect the soil from soil erosion, weed, pests, biodiversity, and wildlife and also to increase soil fertility, soil quality, and water. These crops are harvested after cash crops. Cover crops are fast-growing crops and some examples of them are rye, buckwheat, cowpea, and vetch. Some of the cover crops are edible also which makes it even more beneficial. Every farmer should practice this method for better farming results. For sugarcane farming information you can log in to kisan net.

Soil Enrichment Farming

Soi enrichment is the process of making the soil even more suitable for cultivation through a fertilizer catalyst. This process makes the fertilizers more effective and allows the nutrients to absorb even more effectively. It is very important to enrich the soil because as the age of the soil increases soil fertility decreases and it affects crop production. Soil enrichment can be done by chemicals like pesticides, fertilizers biological manure. However, the quantity of the chemical should be perfect because overuse of it can also destroy the soil.

Crop Rotation Farming

Crop rotation is another very important process in farming. In this process, different crops are grown on the same land. It is a very essential way for the soil to be fertile and avoid soil erosion. If the same crops are grown again and again it will cause harmful pests and weeds and crop rotation helps to get rid of them. Its also helpful in increasing soil organic matter and carbon sequestration which is very essential for better crop production. It also increases biodiversity and reduces the risk-averse weather. It also increases the nutrients in the soil. For helping farmers government of India has introduced different schemes like kkisan.

Polyculture Farming

Polyculture or intercropping farming is a type of farming two types of crop species are grown on the same land. It is a very effective way of farming that helps in controlling pests and weeds from the farming land. It also helps in controlling the disease and sequestering carbon. Eating polyculture crops is also beneficial for human health. This type of farming produces more biomass than monoculture farming. It is also beneficial economically as farmers can grow different crops at the same time.

These are some of the most basic and successful ways of farming practices that every farmer should apply.


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