An Intro to Websites and Disabilities – accessiBe


Most people take having a website for granted. It’s easy to forget that websites were rare not too long ago, and only the largest businesses or organizations had them. Today, it’s hard to find a business or organization that doesn’t have a website, and many utilize tools like accessiBe. Unfortunately, we’ve become so used to websites that it’s easy to forget how important they are.

Websites are important because they provide a way for businesses and organizations to communicate with their customers and the general public. They can be used to promote products and services, share news and events, or simply provide information about a company or organization.

But websites are not just for businesses and organizations. Individuals can also use them to share their thoughts and ideas with the world. In addition, a website can be a great way to connect with friends and family or meet new people with similar interests.

No matter the purpose of a website, it’s important to remember that not everyone has the same ability to use them. For example, people with disabilities often have difficulty accessing websites, making it difficult or even impossible for them to take advantage of the information and services they offer.

Fortunately, several things can be done to make websites more accessible to people with disabilities. In this article, we’ll look at some of the most common accessibility problems and how to solve them.

Mouse Replacement

One of the most common accessibility problems is that people with disabilities often have difficulty using a mouse. This can make it difficult or even impossible for them to click on links, buttons, or other elements on a website. One solution to this problem is to use what’s called a “mouse replacement.” There are many different mouse replacements available, and they all work in different ways. For example, some of them allow you to control the cursor with your voice, while others use eye-tracking technology to let you control the cursor with your eyes.

Several software programs can be used to simulate mouse clicks. These programs can be very helpful for people with disabilities that make it difficult or impossible to use a mouse.

Keyboard Navigation

Another common accessibility problem is that people with disabilities often have difficulty using a keyboard. This can make it difficult or even impossible for them to navigate around a website. One solution to this problem is to use what’s called “keyboard navigation.” Keyboard navigation allows you to move around a website using your keyboard. There are some different keyboard navigation tools available, and they all work in different ways. For example, some of them allow you to move the cursor around the screen with your keyboard, while others let you use your keyboard to click on links, buttons, or other elements on a website.

There are also many software programs that can simulate keyboard clicks. These programs can be very helpful for people with disabilities that make it difficult or impossible to use a keyboard.


Websites are an important part of our everyday lives. They provide a way for businesses and organizations to communicate with their customers and the general public. Individuals can also use them to share their thoughts and ideas with the world. However, not everyone has the same ability to use websites, which can make it difficult or even impossible for some people to take advantage of the information and services they offer.


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