ABCYa Grade 3 Game audit: seventeenth rundown 161-170


Here is the seventeenth installment of 10 games reviewed.

Jelly Slice is a multi-level game that comes with a number of interesting options including five levels starting with the titled Jelly Sky, followed by Jelly Spring, Jelly Sunset, Jelly Night and jelly Forest. You have to complete each level before moving onto the next one. Each level comes with 2 games, so you get 100 games in this lovely package.

The game is centered on stars, where you have to cut into slices of stars to create separate individual stars to complete the level. The game starts off easy and slowly becomes harder. Don’t let the graphics fool you, the line or slice is finer than it looks, draw a line across virtually horizontal or vertical stars and you will see that the line does intersect properly.

Grade: 3 to 5

Conclusions: This is a lovely game with great graphics and good GUI. The game is easier than it seems, you just need to trust in fine lines and don’t trust your eyes to estimate slight star height differences.

Jellydad Hero is an adventure puzzle game where you have a jelly alien (the blob style) that can move around and jump, as well as swallow items to move them around too. You use the arrow keys to move around and jump, and use the space bar to digest and release the object, or to enable jelly dad to enter gates and tube ways.

As the levels increase, the puzzle becomes harder; some levels come with dangerous aliens that will attack jelly dad.

The objective of each level is to get all the three cogwheels and make it to the exit sign to move onto the next level.

Grade: 4 to 5

Conclusions: A lovely lively game that is slightly addictive and provides hours of logical thought solution fun.

Jet Ski Addition

Jet Ski Addition is a nice simple addition game with an element of competition built in. In this version of practicing addition, the player is given a jet ski to compete against three others. The only way to accelerate and take the lead is to answer arithmetic addition questions as quickly and as accurately as possible. The faster you answer with correct answers, the faster you take the lead and maintain it.

Grade: 1 to 5

Conclusions: A lovely competitive addition game that makes the player practice addition while enjoying it.

Jetpack Escape is a precarious game that demands total control over height and gain. It’s also frustrating because the player cannot use the platforms to rest between stages and must continue to fly to gain points. You have to be careful you don’t fly into the platforms or fall on them. The bottom line is that this game is a continuous flying up game that challenges players to compete against each other to see who can reach a higher level score without crashing. The graphics are great the GUI is a bit weird, and you have to understand the principles of movement that this game provides.

Grade: 2 to 5

Conclusions: You either hate it or love it, there is no middle ground in this game.

Joe Lost is a rather interesting low graphics (pixelated) game that reminds me of the 1970’s and 80’s models. This game is about moving a Joe from one end to the exit. There are rules to follow, such as falling and climbing that require the accurate use of blocks and ladders. The player has to navigate and plan the escape so that Joe can get out. It’s harder than it looks, and is great fun.

Grade: 2 to 5

Conclusions: A great retro-game with good navigation, graphics and a lot of fun.

Jump Key is quite a versatile game; it is good for teaching letter recognition, good for teaching where letters are placed on a keyboard and also good for teaching blind typing. The game is simple; you are given a ball that jumps layers based on a specific letter. The letter can be lower case or upper case. The player has to press the correct letter button, and the ball jumps. The game is over when the ball reaches the top, or when the player makes a mistake, and the ball falls. If you win, you move onto the next level. Levels are graded as lower case, upper case, lower and upper case, numbers and finally all keys.

Grade: 1 to 5

Conclusions: A great letter and keyboard recognition trainer that will help players reach extreme versatility and performance with the keyboard as well as improve young players letters recognition.

Keyboard Invasion is space invaders for blind typing. This takes that famous space invaders game from the late 1970s, and instead of arrow keys and a fire button, you get to choose different levels of hardship with the key selection you want to practice.

Yup, this is a blind typing game, where you aliens come with a letter or combination of letters that you need to type to destroy. As with space invaders, they are coming down, and the faster you type correctly, the faster the line of aliens gets destroyed and the more time you have to plan ahead.

This game can be easy or seriously hard even for a seasoned typist, so be prepared and let your player learn the fast way how to confidently blind type a keyboard.

Grade: 2 to 5

Conclusions: What a game, phew, back from blasting aliens and now I can type faster too, it’s like getting a matrix skill card insert3ed into your brain as you progress your level of typing improves exponentially.

Keyboarding Challenge comes with five keyboards to choose from, these are Standard, Slime, Rainbow, Fire, and Water. These are actually just colors to choose from, and the game is a memory game where the player has to remember where the keys are located on the keyboard and place them in their correct position. Obviously, you can cheat, just look at your keyboard as you do it. However, if you decide not to cheat, then get ready to be seriously challenged.

Grade: 2 to 5

Conclusions: A lovely keyboard orientation game.

Keyboarding Chase is another blind typing exercise that comes in the form of competition In this game the player gets a virtual keyboard to look at and is given words to type. Every correctly typed word accelerates the plane in the race. The faster the player types correctly, the faster the plane accelerates to win the race.

Grade: 3 to 5

Conclusions: A nice clean game, good graphics and annoyingly good at teaching typing.


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