4 Essential Accessories for Fall

4 Essential Accessories for Fall
4 Essential Accessories for Fall

One of the best parts about fall is all the changes that happen during this season. Yes, from winter to spring you can see a pretty obvious change in the world, and it’s very exciting – but there is something nostalgic and honey about the fall transition. The cooler weather brings with it the ability to switch up your wardrobe and bring out all of your favorite sweaters and cozy accessories. Not only that, but the seasonal decorations alone make fall one of the best seasons of the entire year.

The warm colors of harvest, Thanksgiving, and the Halloween-themed decorations of late October make this time of year something that is so special and so exciting. One of the best parts about fall is getting to accessorize your look and switch things up in your daily wardrobe. If you have been wanting to find ways of embracing this season, here are 5 accessories that you can’t do without! 
1.Accessories For the Weather

This first one isn’t necessarily an accessory as you might think – but rather it’s a step to make sure that you are ready for everything fall might throw your way. Yes, the weather is typically beautiful this time of year with cool mornings and evenings that sandwich a warm midday-afternoon. However, this time of year can also be prone to rain, cold days, and lots of wind. 

Depending on where you live, fall can be a bit of a mixed bag. If you live in an area where you may experience a lot of rain, or inclement weather during the fall season, then having a go-bag of some kind is a necessity. This doesn’t have to be anything complicated, but it’s something that you’ll be happy you put the work into curating. It operates the same way that a first aid bag might, and you can keep it stored away in your vehicle. 

The best items to have on you during the fall when it comes to weather awareness are going to be umbrellas, rain jackets, and some gloves. If you are keeping this kind of equipment in your car, throw a blanket into the mix. If you have car trouble that may leave you stranded for a couple of hours, you’ll be happy you have the extra insulation especially if it is during a cool fall morning or evening. 

With a simple go-bag to have at the ready, you will be able to enjoy fall with peace of mind that whatever the weather throws your way – you’ll be ready! 
2.Fall is All About the Sweater Game

Here’s the thing about fall, it’s the best time to layer up and feel great about doing it. While the summer fun of athletic clothing and swimsuits is hard to beat, there’s something so great about putting on your favorite sweaters, and layering up your clothing to stay warm. The most important thing to remember when playing the sweater game this fall is that it’s up to you how you play it. Whether you thrift your sweater game or shop the rack at NORDSTROM, sweaters are a great way to show off a unique side of your wardrobe. 

Adding to this collection is one of the best parts of this season and something that you won’t regret doing. 
3.Tote Bags

One of the best parts about utilizing larger accessories in the fall, like a large tote bag, is that it enables you to be dynamic with the weather. For example, if you leave early in the morning, you’ll probably be bundled up with multiple layers. You walk outside to a world that has been coated in a thin layer of ice-cold frost, and you can see your breath forming in front of you. However, by midday, the temperatures are upward of 65 or 70 degrees, and it’s time to peel off a layer or two.

With a tote or some kind of oversized bag, you can always have a place to store any layers you need to shed when the heat rises. Not only do totes look cute, and you can find earthy, stylish, simplistic totes, but they will give the advantage of extra carrying space that you need.
4.Ear Muffs

A staple of cold weather is a nice, snug, bean cap, the only problem with these is that they can really mess with your hair. When it’s below freezing outside, this isn’t a problem, but during the fall it can be annoying to use them only during the mornings and evenings when it’s noticeably cold. 

This fall, pick up some ear muffs that you can throw on in a pinch when the temps drop. When you don’t need them anymore, throw them in your tote so you have them on hand! 


Finding fresh new accessories for fall is one of the simple joys of the season. Whether you are picking up a new umbrella for the unexpected cold rain showers, or thrifting a new-to-you sweater, preparing for the fall season is something you won’t regret doing. 


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