How Technology Makes Workations Possible


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While a vacation is meant for completely unplugging from the office, a workation allows you to travel while still working full time and keeping up with your commitments. 


This is only possible thanks to technology. The pandemic forced the majority of us to get comfortable with tech. Scheduling meetings on Zoom, chatting with coworkers through Teams, scheduling projects with clients through Asana – it quickly became the norm. Thankfully, that norm is what makes it possible to work from anywhere and still stay connected. 


Benefits of a Workation


There are plenty of benefits to taking a workation. If you need some help convincing your boss why it’s such a great idea, let them know that a workation is proven to: 


  • Increase productivity
  • Increase motivation
  • Bring fresh perspective
  • Foster deeper focus
  • Encourage more cohesive teamwork


Best Workation Destinations


Choosing the right destination is so important. Depending on what vibe you’re going for whether that be the peace of the countryside or the busyness of the downtown life, there are other things to consider too. Figuring out the cost of living, where you’ll stay and the quality of WiFi access is all important as well. Next Vacay has done a lot of that work for you and put together the best workation destinations out there right now. 


Start planning yours today, life is short and you won’t regret it! 



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