Dye your Synthetic Wig-DIY Method


People who wear wigs frequently ponder the issue of whether or not it is possible for them to dye their wigs at home. The answer to that question is going to be different for everyone. You are able to color your wig; however, keep in mind that dying a hair wig is way easier than dying a synthetic wig. If you intend to dye a synthetic wig, there is a possibility that the wig will become utterly unusable if your attempt fails. However, if you are eager to experiment with something new using your old wigs and are willing to put any old wig at risk, keep scrolling to find out the two most straightforward ways to dye your synthetic wigs at home. Many people like to try DIY wigs at home to get a cheap wig than buying from an online wig store.


Dye Of Your Choice

Since synthetic wigs are made of synthetic fibers such as polyester and polyvinyl, synthetic wigs cannot be dyed with regular hair color. As standard hair color does not work on synthetic wigs, you are required to use fabric dyes that are particularly designed for synthetic and polyester material. This is because of the nature of the materials used to make the wigs that it is required to use fabric dye that is specifically designed for synthetic and polyester material.

Light-Colored Wig

The color of synthetic hair cannot be lightened with the help of bleach in the same way that human hair can. Therefore, you are going to require a wig that is either white, silver, or a pastel tone to accomplish your objective. In This way, you will be able to achieve the color that you want.

Precautionary measures:

To prevent stains on both your hands and your clothing, put on a pair of disposable gloves and cover yourself with an apron. If your hands become stained, wash them with baking soda or wait a few days for the stain to go.

Carry out the coloring process outside of the home (in the backyard, garage). Since this dying process creates a large amount of chaos and may leave stains on your floor as well as other valuables nearby, it is best to perform it in an open area. Otherwise, cover the surface of your workspace with a bunch of newspapers.

How to dye a synthetic wig?

We will reveal the two methodologies best for dying synthetic wigs at home.

Method no 1: Immersing and boiling

Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a boil. The wig needs to be able to submerge in the pot completely, so make sure it’s a good size.

Add fabric dye to it. Take care when measuring out the ingredients. Every cup of water should have two to three tablespoons of pigment added to it. You can increase and decrease the amount of color depending on how much darker or lighter shade you want.

Maintain a simmer in the water containing the dye for a few seconds. Be sure to give your wig a thorough soaking before putting it in the pot. After the dye has been prepared, immerse your wig into the dyeing water that is already boiling. Keep an eye on the wig. More time inside the pot means a deeper shade of chosen color. Keep your eyes on the wig. As soon as the wig has attained the color that you want, remove it instantly. Put the colored wig under the running cold water and keep the water running until the water comes out clean.

Keep the wig on a wig head or a stand and allow it to air dry completely.

Method no 2: Spraying the dye

Take a spray bottle, and then add the fabric dye to the water in the spray bottle. The ratio ought to be 1 to 1. If you want the color to be lighter or more translucent, you can achieve this result by adding additional water to the mixture and diluting it. Tighten the cap and screw it on. Shake the spray bottle so the content inside gets mixed. Give the spray bottle a good shake to ensure that the contents are thoroughly combined.

Position your wig on a wig head so that you may obtain partitions with ease.

Start by spraying the upper layer of the wig hair, which is the layer that is visible. Begin at the top of the head and work your way down to the tip of the wig. Once you are done with the upper layer, lift up the layer and spray the underneath region of the wig.

When you have finished with one segment, use a comb to create a new section and then spray the newly created area in the same manner as the previous section. To ensure that each area has adequate coverage, you should spray it twice to three times.

To determine whether or not any fibers or parts of the hair have been left uncolored, stroke and wiggle your fingers through the hair.

Once you have sprayed the dye onto each and every segment of the colored hair wig, use a comb with wide teeth to distribute the color uniformly throughout the wig. Comb the wig from the roots all the way down to the tip.

After making sure the dye is distributed evenly, set the wig on the stand and let it air dry.

Please do not put it on until it is completely dry. You can determine whether or not it is damp by running your finger through it. If the dye is running, this indicates that the wig needs extra time to dry off completely.


You can do an experiment with any old wig that is light in hue with these methods. However, it would be best if you still kept in mind that the outcomes do not always correspond with the plan. Achieving the desired result always is not promised. There are moments when you can achieve remarkable, fulfilling results, and there are other occasions when you can utterly mess up your wig.


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