6 Ways to Make Money Online


Whether you’re looking to change the trajectory of your career or hoping to acquire a secondary source of income, the internet is full of possibilities.

A requisite of the pandemic was having to work remotely which made a lot of people question their lifestyle choices, career paths and understand the importance of happiness and self-satisfaction.

There are certainly a lot of positives to working from home and if it seems like something one enjoys, there are a plethora of working opportunities that only require a stable internet connection, a laptop, and the determination to do the job.

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Here are some interesting money-making ideas for you to check out.

Blog and Article Writing

Blogging may seem old-school with the advent of so many social media platforms but it remains a successful way of making money.

If you have a knack for being creative and are passionate about writing, you can gain a good readership by creating quality content.

Blogging can be monetized in two ways- you can either run ads on your blog once it starts getting good traffic or try affiliate marketing.

The latter tends to be more profitable and involves creating content around services, products, or companies to promote them.

You will make a small commission every time a visitor from your website will purchase a product you’re promoting.

Virtual Assistance

As individuals and businesses are making the shift toward e-commerce or being solopreneurs, the demand for a virtual assistant has increased.

Much like personal assistants, virtual assistants help manage the flow of work but obviously digitally.

Being a virtual assistant would require you to write web copies, respond to emails, moderate reviews, and comments, create listings, manage inventory, etc.


Be your own boss and make money from the comfort of your home through freelancing.

If you have a marketable skill like graphic designing, logo designing, web designing, content writing, etc. and you don’t want to be stuck in a cubicle 9 to 5 to make money off of it; freelancing is a great option.

Websites like Fiverr, UpWork, and PeopleperHour.com are some excellent platforms you can use to sell your skills and services.

You can sign up on these websites for free and select relevant fields, add experience and make a gig for potential employers to see.

The payment schedule and conditions vary from platform to platform, do read up on them to know what you’re getting into.

You should ask your clients to leave a review which will help your gig rank better so you can get more work.

Language Translation

If you’re a polyglot or bilingual, you can offer your services as a language translator or interpreter on online platforms like Welocalize.

There are many countries where English is not the first language or locally understood, one can translate or interpret the local language into English and make good money.

You can also offer tutoring services to people hoping to learn the language or design a course to teach the language online on platforms like edx, Coursera, etc.


You can monetize your social media presence as long as the content you produce is original. YouTube is an excellent platform to do so.

You can run ads on YouTube to collect revenue and once you get good viewership you can get different brands or services to sponsor the video in exchange for product promotion.  

Reviews and surveys

Yes, it is possible even though it seems too good to be true. You can write reviews and complete surveys online to make money.

There is a catch though, it doesn’t pay very well and one likely can’t make a career out of it.  However, if all you’re looking for is a side hustle and don’t mind putting in the extra time, filling out surveys and forms can be a great way to make money.  

On a Concluding Note

It can be intimidating to look for work online if you don’t know where to begin.

There are several options to consider but you should opt for a profession that you feel passionate about, one that suits your skillset, and offers the opportunity for growth.

If you’re not sure about which profession to choose, try experimenting with a few to figure out what you’re looking for, and remember to be patient as these things can take time. 


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