7 Retreat Activities That Will Motivate and Connect Employees


When was the last time your employees got together outside of work? If it’s been a while, you’re missing out. A company retreat is a great way to motivate and connect employees. It gives them a chance to bond with each other outside of the office, and can lead to some great ideas and innovations. 

In this blog post, we will discuss 7 retreat activities that will motivate and connect employees!

  1. Going on a scenic nature walk

There’s nothing quite like a nature walk to help your employees connect and bond with each other. Not only will they be able to appreciate the beauty of nature, but they’ll also get some much-needed exercise. And who knows, maybe they’ll even come up with a few new ideas while they’re out there communing with nature. 

Make sure to plan your route ahead of time, and pack plenty of water and snacks. And don’t forget the sunscreen! Use this opportunity to really get to know your employees. Ask them about their interests, their families, and their lives outside of work. You may be surprised at how much you all have in common.

  1. Listen to a guest speaker

A guest speaker is a great way to get everyone’s attention during a company retreat. Whether it’s an inspiring storyteller or a knowledgeable industry expert, a guest speaker can help to motivate and connect your employees. 

By providing new perspectives and insights, a guest speaker can help your team to see the big picture and understand how their work fits into the larger scheme of things. In addition, a guest speaker can help to build relationships by sharing personal experiences and stories. 

Listening to a guest speaker will not only keep your employees entertained and informed, but it will also make them feel more connected to each other and motivated to do their best work.

  1. Share your meals together 

Gathering around a table and sharing a meal together is one of the oldest and most ancient of communal traditions. No matter what culture you’re a part of, sharing meals together is a way to connect with others. And your company retreat is the perfect time to gather together over a hot meal and share conversation, laughs, or anything else that comes up. To learn more about other great ideas for team retreats, visit Hotel Engine. 

Whether you’re serving up breakfast, lunch, or dinner, sitting down and sharing a meal is a great way to motivate and connect your employees. It gives them a chance to relax and recharge, and it’s also a great opportunity for you to get to know them better. So, make sure to include plenty of time for meals in your company retreat schedule.

  1. Organize a team scavenger hunt

A scavenger hunt is the perfect way to liven up your company retreat. Not only will it get everyone out of the conference room and into the great outdoors (or around the city), but it will also promote team building and healthy competition. And because scavenger hunts can be customized to suit any location or budget, they’re perfect for businesses of all sizes.

Not only is a scavenger hunt a fun activity for your employees, but it’s also a great way to promote teamwork and build morale. 

  1. Volunteer together

Giving back is a great way to connect with your employees and the community. And what better way to do it than by volunteering together? There are plenty of ways to get involved, so you’re sure to find an opportunity that’s right for your team. 

You could plant trees, build a house, or even just clean up a local park. Not only will your employees feel good about giving back, but they’ll also feel more connected to each other. And who knows, they might even have a little fun in the process.

  1. Take a cooking class together

Cooking is a great way to bond with others. And what better way to do it than by taking a cooking class together? Not only will your employees learn how to cook some new and delicious dishes, but they’ll also have a chance to bond with each other. By working together in the kitchen, they’ll be able to laugh, learn, and create something that they can all enjoy. 

  1. Test your teamwork in an escape room

An escape room is the perfect way to test your team’s teamwork and problem-solving skills. With a group of employees working together, you’ll be able to see how well they work under pressure and in a team setting. 

If you have too many employees for one round in an escape room, divide them all into smaller teams and turn it into a friendly competition —the team with the fastest time wins! 


There are plenty of great retreat activities that will motivate and connect your employees. So, don’t be afraid to get creative and try something new. From guest speakers and team-building exercises to cooking classes and volunteer opportunities, there’s sure to be an activity that’s perfect for your team.


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