5 Types of Kratom Strains You Can try for Pain Relief


Pain Relief

Pain is a pointer to an anomaly in the body. It might occur due to accident, illness, or other discomforts like working out. 

Over the years, many medications have been released to take care of pain. However, many people have seen their unreliability in side effects and excessive dependency. As a result, many people are now going back to natural products for pain relief, either as a standalone or mixed with the regular medicine from the pharmacy.

One popular herbal remedy is the Kratom leaf family. It has become more used recently in the last ten years and is now a top option for pain treatment. The family has many strains, all with different strengths in treating pain. 

If you need a definite guide in selecting the best five strains you can try out for your pain; then you’re at the right place.

What is Kratom?

Kratom is the leaves from the Mitragyna plant, popularly grown in Southeast Asia. This plant has been regularly used for energy replenishment and pain relief. 

The leaves are usually chewed, crushed to make tea, or dried and smoked. Kratom’s dosage is still being debated, and the  white bali kratom  talk is still on the lips of the Food and Drug Administration since Kratom is now a top alternative for pain treatment. 

Best 5 Kratom Strains to Try Out for that Pain

The strains from the Kratom leaf all have different effects on the body, but here is a recommendation of top strains for pain.

Kratom strains are differentiated by the color of the vein running on the leaf. The Green and Red Veins have often been compared to know which is stronger than the other. They include:

Green Vietnam

Green Vietnam is one of the best strains to try out for pain. This strain is rarely grown anywhere except Vietnam and has a green vein on the plant, hence the name. The strain binds to the body’s opiate receptors, numbing the sensation to pain. It contains Mitragynine, an active pain relief agent. 

While it reduces pain, you may not fall asleep after taking it. Asides from pain relief, it improves mental health conditions. This strain is rare and more expensive but pretty effective.

Red Borneo

The Red Borneo is one of the top choices valuable for pain. This strain acts slower upon administration yet is still effective. People often prefer using Red Borneo to treat depression rather than pain. The popular types of pain it is used for include fibromyalgia headaches with muscle spams.


Red Borneo is a good choice if you suffer from chronic pain. Although it takes time before effecting, it increases moods immediately, allowing you to do the things you love to do after resting a while.



Green Malay

The Green Malay is another strain from the green vein clan. It relieves pain immediately and lasts for a long time after administration. If you ever have issues concentrating on completing a task because of immense pain, Green Malay is best for you. This strain best improves pain during the day, allowing you to carry on with your activities. 

This strain increases strength, agility, physical performance and creates a better overall feeling.



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