4 Apps Every Parent Needs to Help Keep Their Kids Safe Online


There are naturally an endless number of things to worry about when it comes to your children and their safety when you’re a parent. With the power of technology and online activity increasing every day, it only presents even more dangers for kids who will inevitably be browsing online. As such, parents and kids should be clued in on the methods for staying safe online. 

What Dangers Can Kids Face Online?

  • Invasion of privacy
  • Exposed to offensive content 
  • Cyberbullying
  • Being groomed
  • Accidentally downloading malicious items
  • Phishing

4 Apps Every Parent Needs to Keep Their Kids Safe

Whether you’re a parent preparing your child for an age when they will start using their own online devices, or you’re deciding to become a foster parent and wanting to be better prepared for kids of that age bracket to remain safe online under your care, there are plenty of apps that can help.

1) Kaspersky Safe Kids 

Available for both Android and iOS, Kaspersky Safe Kids comes from one of the leading cybersecurity companies tailored for child browsing. This internet safety app is for parents wanting to monitor their children’s online activities to keep them safe. As well as monitoring, it also gives parents the ability to block anything they deem malicious. 

Other helpful features include parents being able to set a maximum duration for screen time so that you can reduce the risks by pulling your child away from the internet from time to time.

2) Google Family Link

Available for all devices, this free tool allows you to manage the device browsing of the whole family. It lets parents view and monitor their child’s activity, helps you to control which apps your child is installing on their devices, and also helps you to manage key permissions (like in-app purchases). You also have the option to lock a particular device completely if you believe your kid’s browsing has become risky and they need a break from it. 

3) YouTube Kids 

One website most kids (and adults) flock to these days is YouTube. YouTube is also a vital tool for parents wanting to entertain their children, such as putting on a kid’s show while sitting at the table or allowing kids to watch funny videos. 

However, the main YouTube site is full of risks in regard to content and browsing – but the YouTube Kids app is the safe alternative. YouTube Kids ensures only kid-friendly content, as well as offering a wealth of things to watch and do. 

4) Finn Goes Online

This app is extremely helpful for parents who want a supportive method to teach their kids about cyber safety. It’s a fun safety app that teaches children all about staying safe online – which could be a more engaging alternative than you trying to sit down with them and having a serious talk about it. 

Finn Goes Online covers safety aspects such as cyberbullying, how to stay safe online, and what password security means.


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