Why is Biometric Identification Important?


Organisations that deal with large-scale multi-biometric projects are already switching to the latest biometric identification systems to verify and validate the user’s authenticity.

These modular and customisable solutions offer services for scalable and high performance systems that feature multiple parallel transactions. Biometric identification has virtually an endless list of use cases in different industries, especially those that deal with national-scale projects, including:

  • Biometric voter registration
  • Passport issuing
  • Border management
  • Other civil or criminal ABIS/AFIS

The project you’re looking for a solution for doesn’t matter; you can have an automated biometric identification system trial to get a feel of its features and how it works. It is available as a cloud service and on-premise solution. Let’s discover the importance of biometric identification.

It’s Touchless

Apart from fingerprint, all other modalities offer touchless options. Security systems have become a crucial part of everyday activities.

That means they need to perform a top-notch balancing act between freedom and safety, accessibility and protection. Touchless biometrics offer this crucial balance. They deliver maximum security with a handsomely unobtrusive user experience.

In the past, contactless innovations meant a compromise in safety and security of large-scale multi-biometric projects. But in the last decade, this trend has been inverted. Currently, touchless biometrics is the premium standard to authenticate access securely.

Accurate Identification

Access cards are, in most cases, stolen or lost. Passwords, usernames, and personal identification numbers are shared and/or forgotten.

Biometrics cannot be easily duplicated or stolen. That means only authorised individuals can get access to the required information and premises. This means a higher level of security.

Prevention of Theft

Biometric identification extends its benefits to financial transactions and voting systems, where it prevents theft of funds and votes. It helps prevent fraudulent transactions and votes not triggered by authorised individuals.

Additionally, enterprises with a biometric database of consumers can easily and quickly perform identity checks. Customers trying to change their sensitive information may need to pass a biometric check.


In most cases, people forget or mistype their PINs or feel skeptical about using them. This is especially true when they’re trying to make payments. Biometric modalities like fingerprint and iris identification eliminate such instances since users only need to use their iris or fingerprint as their identity.

MegaMatcher ABIS is a complete solution for the deployment of large multi-biometric projects. You can see here MegaMatcher ABIS features and capabilities to gain more insights into the benefits and possibilities of biometric identification. You need to work closely with a leading provider in the industry once you decide on the right biometric identification system for your business.


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