What is the best classroom management strategy?


Classroom management is one of the issues that arise in teaching, which can be both rewarding and challenging. Classroom management is essential for teaching and passing on information to the next generations. If you’re a teacher or considering a career in education, these classroom tactics will assist you in creating a relevant learning environment for both the instructor and the student.

A lack of professional development of students necessitates strengthening classroom management. Despite this unfavourable condition, there are simple solutions you may take on your own. These measures can improve prosocial student conduct and academic engagement while also creating a calm environment.

Listed below are some of the strategies a teacher can employ after doing online teaching courses:

  1. Demonstrate excellent behaviour 

Make it a practice to model the behaviour you want to see since several studies demonstrate that modelling effectively teaches kids how to respond in a variety of settings.

Holding a fake dialogue with an administrator, or another instructor at the front of the class is a simple approach to practising particular actions. When discussing an exam or any relevant issue, make sure to:

  •  Use respectful language
  • Make eye contact.
  • Phones should be kept in your pockets.
  • Allow each other to talk uninterrupted.
  • Politely, express your reservations about one another’s statements.
  • Begin a class discussion by listing and expanding on the excellent behaviours you demonstrated.
  1. Allow students to contribute to the creation of guidelines.

Encourage all students to assist you in developing classroom rules.This will result in more engagement and support from them besides just telling them whatever they are not permitted to do.

Start a conversation around the beginning of the year or semester by asking students what they feel should and should not be accepted. At what times are phones acceptable and unacceptable? What are appropriate noise levels in the classroom? This may appear to be setting you up for disappointment, but depending on the composition of your class, you may be surprised by the severity of certain proposed regulations. In any case, having a conversation should result in mutually recognised and respected expectations.

  1. Establish rules.

Don’t allow your mutually agreed-upon guidelines to fall by the wayside. Print and disseminate the list of rules developed by the class discussion in the same way that you would a syllabus. After that, go over the list with your pupils. This demonstrates your appreciation for their opinions and your intention to follow them. And if a kid violates a rule, you’ll be able to easily link to this paper.


If you’re feeling very inventive, you might incorporate the rule list in a student handbook that also includes significant dates, events, and curricular material.

  1. Promote initiative

Allow students to learn ahead and offer brief presentations to discuss take-away ideas to promote a growth mindset and diversity in your lectures.

You will almost certainly have some enthusiastic students in your course. Simply ask them whether they want to move ahead from time to time. For example, if you’re reading a certain chapter in a textbook, suggest that they also read the one after that. 

  1. Give compliments

As per a recent review and research, rewarding students for outstanding effort improves their academic or behavioural performance. When it is genuine and includes concrete instances of effort or achievement, praise can:

  • Motivate the class
  • Raise a student’s self-esteem
  • Reinforce the desired rules and values.

Perhaps more crucially, it motivates children to engage in positive conduct in the future. Assume a student demonstrates outstanding problem-solving abilities when attempting a mathematical word problem. Praise for particular strategies used will go a long way towards assuring that he or she continues to utilise these tactics. Not to mention that you will inspire other pupils to do the same.

  1. Make use of nonverbal communication

To improve material delivery, use movements and pictures to help students focus and digest teachings. Running learning stations, for example, allows you to present a variety of nonverbal content kinds by dividing your classroom into areas through which students circulate. Videos, infographics, and actual artefacts such as coin counting are examples.

  1. Provide incentives

Rewarding individual pupils in front of the class at the end of each lesson is another motivating and behaviour reinforcement strategy. Assume that a few students attentively listen to the whole session, answering questions and offering their own, walk over to their desks before the class closes and hand them lottery tickets. Declare aloud what each kid did to get the tickets so that others might learn. On Friday, kids may turn in their tickets for a chance to win a prize that varies each week, ranging from candy to the ability to select a game for the next class party.

  1. Provide various sorts of free study time.

Provide a variety of activities during free study time to appeal to kids who struggle to digest information in quiet. You may do this by separating your class into clearly defined solo and group activities. Consider the following in different sections:


  • Providing audiobooks with topics related to your classes.
  • Keeping a specific quiet location for kids to attend to notes and finish assignments.
  • Making a station for difficult group activities that teach or strengthen syllabus skills.
  • Allowing students to collaborate while taking notes and completing work outside of quiet zones.
  • By organising such events, free study hours will begin to assist a wide range of students. This should help to increase overall classroom engagement.
  1. Be Passionate

Pupils can detect when their teachers are enthusiastic about the content. Students instinctively notice the teacher’s emotions, whether thrilled or bored, and they are more inclined to follow these cues and become more involved when they sense enthusiasm or interest.

These are some of the strategies for classroom management that a teacher can learn from a teacher training course. With the proper teacher training course, classroom management is not difficult task for any teacher.


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