Tips to Organize the Perfect Corporate Event


So, you’re planning to organize the corporate event, right? Well, we’ve got you covered with some excellent tips that will help you out immensely, especially if you’re a first-timer.

Even if you’ve never organized such an event before, you should be able to get at least a few of these things right. At the end of the event, you’ll most likely be happy with the results that you’ve got. So, without further ado, here are the tips:

Start at the End

As a newcomer, you might be tempted to think about all the minute details that go into the first preparations of an event. However, it’s far better if you sit back a little and view the bigger picture at first.

Think about what you want your participants to get out of the event. What would you like to happen once everything is over? Do you want networking? Simply a good time? A workshop from which they can learn stuff? All of these and more?

Think as an advertiser would: what your target audience wants or needs. The expectations of your guests will depend on the industry and pay grade. Start with the end, and let it determine the battle plan.

Create a to-Do List


Now it’s time to create a list of things that should be done by the team that organizes the event. Let’s give you a few hints so you can get an idea of what you might need to do for your event:


  • Venue
  • Decoration
  • Food and drinks
  • Entertainment
  • Marketing collateral
  • Transportation
  • Accommodation
  • Ticketing


Define Your Budget

Now, this is a little tricky because some organizers don’t have direct control over their budget. Oftentimes, it’s up to the company to decide what you should spend on.

However, if you’re in charge of the budget, we recommend you follow the golden rule: Be realistic and leave 10% in reserves! Compare the costs that every provider has and pick out your best options without sacrificing much quality.

Choose a Date


The next step is to choose an appropriate date depending on the type of event you’re organizing. When choosing the perfect date, you’ll need to take care of the event vows so that your guests will know what to expect. 

Make the date tentative. You will probably have to adjust it slightly once you get into finding the right venue. Once that’s done, it’s time for the next step.

Create an Event Timeline


Every event needs a timeline if you want it organized properly. You’ll want your schedule to make sense but also allow for some breathing room in case something happens or some of the team members get their tasks done later than expected.

To give you a better idea, here are just a few of the unexpected corporate event delays that might happen prior to your event:


  • Catering can run late
  • Print shops can misspell your company name
  • The venue can get double-booked
  • Decoration might out of stock
  • A car that transports essential materials might break

Promote Your Event

Finally, it’s time to promote your event. Think about how your event will look like and create a solid strategy around that. If your company has a lot of employees that need to participate, you might want to consider creating an email newsletter. On the other hand, if you want a lot of outside participants, you might want to take the promotion to social media accounts and pages.

Of course, you shouldn’t go overboard with your budget. Do keep in mind that sometimes, the best marketing promotion type is completely free, so think of something creative.

The Bottom Line

Once you get some rules written down and studied, organizing a  great corporate event becomes much easier. If you also assemble a competent team, things will go even smoother. Preferably you’ll have at least a few people who have organized such events in the past as well. Their experience might prove invaluable


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