The Pros and Cons of Air Conditioning



When buying a new appliance, it is essential that you know all about its pros and cons. Below, you will find a review of air conditioning to decide whether it is something you want to invest in. Whether you’re purchasing the best 1.5-ton AC or some other type, the information below will come in handy!

What are the benefits of installing air conditioning?

  1. Maintain a comfortable temperature

As you may know, installing air conditioning is an excellent way to reduce indoor temperatures during hot weather. As a result, air conditioning makes our daily lives more comfortable, enjoyable, and manageable.

Installing air conditioning is a solution for persons who are sensitive to heat (the elderly, children, people with respiratory or cardiovascular ailments, etc.).


Air conditioners also aid in the prevention of dehydration, which is especially important in cities that experience extreme temperatures throughout the summer. Furthermore, the air conditioner now has automation technology that allows it to change the temperature of different rooms in the house. Moreover, it is preferable to keep your temperature between 21 and 25°C to minimize excessive temperature swings and thermal shocks.


  1. Save money by installing clever air conditioning.

The thermostat can be programmed to respond to your presence or not. Furthermore, most of these air conditioners have a green energy logo, suggesting that they are energy efficient and consume less power. In general, class A gadgets use the least amount of energy.


Furthermore, a split air conditioner is perfect for use in rooms when needed. When you only need to cool one room, there’s no need to install an air conditioner to cool the entire house.


  1. Improve the air quality in the environment

It is also possible to clean up the environment by installing new-generation air conditioning. Indeed, the most recent advancements in air conditioner technology filter and dehumidify the air. Asthma and allergy sufferers would appreciate this remedy.


However, you must ensure that your air conditioner is well maintained and checked regularly. This will keep the house free of stale air and disease germs. Maintain a humidity level of 60-70 percent at all times.


  1. The portable air conditioner makes it easy to operate.

The mobile air conditioner is cost-effective to avoid the labor and costs of installing a fixed device, such as drilling the facade, creating a particular ventilation network, and establishing an exterior unit. You can get by with a portable air conditioner if your house doesn’t get too stuffy in the summer. Furthermore, a mobile air conditioning system is less expensive to purchase.


What are the drawbacks of installing air conditioning?

Poor maintenance is one of the air conditioner’s key drawbacks. Indeed, many adverse effects will only arise if we do not maintain the equipment regularly.

  1. Health ramifications

Pathogenic materials can be found in air conditioning filters. They are filthy and contribute to the concentration of allergens in the room. Therefore, it is critical to clean the filters and maintain the air conditioning regularly for a healthy installation.

The temperature differential between two rooms or between the interior and the exterior, on the other hand, might cause health issues such as a runny nose and breathing difficulties.


It is recommended not to surpass a difference of 5°C between the interior and the exterior to avoid the risk of heat shock. In addition, prolonged exposure to cold air can induce headaches, sore throats, backaches, infections, joint pain, torticollis, and allergies. Draping a scarf around your neck and over your shoulders will be interesting to avoid overexposure to the cold air.


  1. Environmental consequences

To work, air conditioners require the presence of refrigerants. In the event of a leak, the latter poses a severe threat to the natural system, particularly the ozone layer. Additionally, these leaks contribute to global warming. This phenomenon is even more crucial because the air conditioning rejects the heat from outside. The older models contain environmentally hazardous liquids, while the newer models are more ecologically conscious.


  1. Consequences for energy consumption

When it comes to installing air conditioning, one of the first drawbacks that come to mind is energy consumption. When the air conditioner is pushed too hard for rapid cooling, it must waste enough energy to produce cold air. Of course, there will be a cost associated with this.


  1. There is a lot of noise from the air conditioner

A compressor is louder than a fan in an air conditioning system. Indeed, this component can create a noise that will annoy the occupants of the house and the neighbors. The noise level of mobile air conditioners is higher than that of fixed air conditioners. Sleeping at night with an air conditioner running will be more complicated. Before going to bed, make sure your room is cool.


It should be mentioned that plastic window closures are available. There is a hole for the drain pipe in these. As a result, the opening can be sealed, and as much cold air as possible can be maintained.


Reversible air conditioning

  1. Reversible air conditioning: What and how does it work?

The mechanism of a traditional air conditioner is similar to that of a refrigerator. Outside, it generates cold and rejects heat. The reversible air conditioner uses the air-air heat pump. It has two functions: in the summer, it cools the interior, and in the winter, it heats it. The refrigerant’s heat exchanges then allow it to reverse its operation.


  1. The Benefits
  • The reversible air conditioner generates significantly more heat than it consumes. This helps you save money on your energy bill by lowering your energy consumption.
  • It saves energy in the winter, allowing it to offset the cost of air conditioning in the summer. Savings of up to 50% are possible.
  • Because of its inconspicuous appearance, it saves space inside.
  • It is more cost-effective and environmentally friendly, and it effectively cools or heats the interior.
  • It absorbs humidity and purifies the air in the space.
  • All rooms have thermostatically controlled heat.
  • Because of its environmental and economic benefits, reversible air conditioning qualifies for financial assistance such as Quelle Energie’s Premium Energy and the National Housing Agency’s assistance.
  1. Negative aspects
  • When the outside temperature drops too low, the reversible air-air heat pump can’t keep up and needs to be supplemented by a heating system.
  • It is necessary to install an external unit.
  • It is obnoxious and may cause damage to the surrounding area.
  • A higher buying price than a traditional air conditioner or heating system



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