The Importance of SEO For Your Freelance Business


The majority of traffic on the Internet is generated by search engines, the main one being Google (93% of traffic in France). Although your site may have visitors through other channels such as social networks Working on your website for SEO will therefore allow you to.

To develop your e-reputation:

To capture traffic and promote your business. If a search engine can’t find your site, neither can Internet users; You will miss out on business opportunities. Hiring an SEO company can therefore have exceptional repercussions on your freelance activity.  

How to sell your expertise on the web?

The basics of SEO first of all, it is important to understand that doing SEO is a long-term job and that is what makes it so valuable. You will have to water it regularly so that it grows, then the moment will come when it will be completely self-sufficient and you will only have to harvest its fruits. There are three factors that impact the ranking of your pages on search engines.

The contents content-referencing

On the web, it is not your site that is referenced but each of your pages. The nuance here is very important because it means that you will have to work on the SEO of each of your pages exclusively. For it 

Identify the most relevant keywords related to your activity and add them to your site:

Consider creating pages with a minimum of 500 to 1,000 words Offer quality content that meets the needs of your visitors; Publish unique content, not duplicated on another site (this method is heavily penalized by Google); Diversify your content by adding images, videos, infographics …The technical side of your site


Write catchy titles no longer than 65 characters

Add alt attributes to your images with your keywords

Fill in the meta description tag of each of your pages (visible in search results);

Be careful not to have 404 errors on your site (pages deleted but still indexed).

To be well referenced, your site must have notoriety. In other words, we must talk about you and above all, refer to your site. 

For this, you can follow two strategies:

Launch a net linking campaign, which consists of offering other sites to reference you on their pages. This can be like paid partnerships or win-win backlink exchanges ;

Develop your community management. In other words, be active on social networks and get people talking about your site on these platforms.

As you will have understood, SEO is a long-term job, which must be done on a daily basis because Google’s algorithms are constantly changing and new updates take place regularly. With the development of the mobile experience, voice search, and algorithm updates, you must keep yourself regularly informed of best practices in order to reach the top position.

 A good SEO allows a better user experience

SEO is not just about positioning your site at the top of the results. Optimizing the user experience is an effective tool to increase SEO profitability. You want traffic, but most of all you want that traffic to be qualified and visitors to order (or contact you). Search engines like Google know how to analyze user experience. This directly impacts the ranking of websites. Offer them the best possible experience to make them want to come back even more often and to increase your positions on the engines.

 Local SEO increases traffic, 

Engagement, number of visits, and conversions referencing local most traffic come from cell phones today. SEO Services Company provides an important marketing tool because people search for your business when they are in your catchment area. Its purpose is to optimize your website so that people who are near your business are more likely to be directed to your website. Local marketing focuses on using neighborhood, city, or province-based SEO services to connect potential customers to local brands. Reviews are also a fundamental part of local SEO, as recent reviews and a high overall rating will give Google complete confidence in you.


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