Social Media for Plumbers – 11 Tips to Get More Qualified Leads

Social Media for Plumbers – 11 Tips to Get More Qualified Leads

If you think Google is the only platform people use to hire a plumber, you’re about to be proven very wrong. It’s estimated that 7 in 10 Americans use social media platforms to find local businesses that provide home services lead generation.

As a plumber, this is your cue to roll up your sleeves and create a solid social media presence so that you can:

  • Attract new clients
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Establish your company’s credibility

But if dominating the local market was so easy, why do so many businesses struggle with it?

Well, that’s because it’s not.

You’ll have to visit a land far away to pluck a potent flower protected by a three-headed dragon.

Nope – just kidding.

That said, you will have to keep a few tips in mind.

Let’s see what they are:

  1. Optimize Your Profile

Before doing anything else, look at your social media profile.

  • Does it provide complete business information?
  • Have you placed effective CTAs?
  • Did you add your website’s link?

If you’ve answered yes to all these questions, congratulations!

Everything’s in place.

If not, complete this step before moving to the next, which is…

  1. Write Relevant Content

Before hiring home services, clients like to know what they’re getting into.

In the case of a plumbing business, it means they’ll visit your social media profile.

Keeping that in mind, share posts that add to their knowledge, such as helpful tips, valuable industry insights, or fun facts.

As long as what you’re writing holds the clients’ attention, you’re on the right path.

  1. Offer Exciting Incentives

A sure-fire way to generate plumbing leads is by offering prospects exciting incentives.

But in exchange, ask them to leave their contact information.

For instance, offer clients a 5% discount if they fill out a form.

And it doesn’t necessarily have to be a discount offer. It can be:

  • Merch
  • Articles
  • Webinars
  • Contests

And more.

  1. Run Sweepstakes on Social Media

Another effective method of plumber lead generation with social media is by running contests.

Some might argue it’s archaic, but the technique still works – 100%.

In fact, many businesses run sweepstakes on social media for the sole purpose of getting leads. That, in turn, encourages prospects to share their experience with others.

It’s a win-win situation, really.

  1. Hire Social Media Influencers

Hiring social media influencers doesn’t even cross people’s minds when it comes to marketing their plumbing business. But doing so can help generate high-quality leads.

The reason why it works so well is because social media influencers are already talking to a large group of people on a daily basis.

They just have to mention your company, and voilà; leads will start pouring in.

  1. Engage With People

When people leave a comment under your post on social media, they keep checking the notifications to see if you’ve answered.

If you’re quick, they’ll be highly satisfied.

Otherwise, you’ve lost a client.

Therefore, it’s of utmost importance that you respond to user comments as soon as possible. This way, they’ll be encouraged to engage more with your company.

  1. Use Hashtags

Using hashtags offers two primary advantages:

  1. They make it easier for users to search for a specific service.
  2. They ensure your posts appear on top of the search results.

Websites like Best-Hashtags can help you identify which hashtags you should incorporate into your social media strategies to boost visibility.

  1. Go Live on Social Media

Today’s consumers are curious; they like to know what’s happening behind the scenes.

You can solve this mystery for them by going live on social media.

If you’re not sure what to show or tell viewers, start with the basics, like introducing your plumbing business.

This would establish trust between you and your prospects.

  1. Create Social Media Campaigns

We can’t talk about the best social media lead-generation tips and not mention paid campaigns.

Powered with excellent targeting features, social media ad campaigns allow businesses to reach a broader audience.

Whether you’re running one on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn, you can rise above the competition with ultimate ease.

  1. Thank Your Employees

Typically, we’d never tell you to boast about your achievements on social media.

But when it comes to thanking your employees, we highly recommend it.

That’s because when you share a picture of your employee, appreciating their hard work, it creates a positive brand image.

It tells the world that your plumbing company is not run by a mindless zombie who only expects its staff to work, work, and work.

Instead, you genuinely care about your employees.

Important: Make sure you have your employee’s consent before sharing their picture on social media platforms.

  1. Post Consistently

Last but not least, know how often to post on social media.

You must walk the fine line between posting too much and too little.

Here’s a rule of thumb you should try to follow:

  • Facebook – 3-5 times a week
  • Instagram – Once a day
  • Twitter – 1-3 times a day
  • LinkedIn – Once per business day

Social Media for The Win

Think of this blog as a handbook for generating plumbing leads through social media. These tips will prove immensely helpful if you’ve just started a plumbing business or have been running one for years.

In addition to social media, you can count on YourLeadPartners’ automation tool to generate qualifying plumbing leads. Since it handles all the tasks on your behalf, you’ll have one less thing to worry about.


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