Smart classroom


In this modern time, students and teachers have also adopted modern learning method. Now teacher teaches the students in a centre where teacher has accessed to the computer and internet facility and uses audio and visual equipments. This is known as a smart classroom. Now teachers can use a number of different Medias to teach the students in an advanced way. A teacher may use the projector, PPT’s, and DVD’s. 

Now it has becoming a trend to teach the students in smart . Now a large number of teachers are using the smart classrooms to teach their students and this trend is increasing day by day. Learning as well as teaching processes has become much more enjoyable process. This teaching system will also increase the academic performance of the students in the class. Smart classrom provides a number of benefits to the educational system.

Smart classroom has become a new advance approach for the learning and teaching process. As we know this fact that everything comes with its own positive as well as negative impacts. Smart classroom also has some drawbacks for the students. Let’s discuss the draw backs of smart classroom.

Drawbacks of smart classrooms: 

High costs:

Technology also costs a lot. It requires a high cost and budget to buy the technological equipments to use in the smart classroom. Not an average person can afford the costs. To set a  classroom system in a school, the administration of the school requires a large budget, in this way, they will increase the fee of students so that they can keep their smart classroom up to dated and well established. To keep their schools up to date with the latest technology requires a lot of money, which will cause a burden on both the students and the school administration. 

Less interaction with teachers:

In smart , the electronic teaching devices are used to teach the students as teaching tools. Slowly, these students develop the habits to learn through the classroom sessions. In this way they will less interact with their teachers and will lose any touch and respect for their teachers. 

There have been a lot of changes in educational system. The traditional educational system teaches the students to respect their teachers but the smart clasroom system has reduces the importance of teachers. Students are more indulged in their laptops and other gadgets and the presence of teachers in class is no longer needed. 

Advantages of smart classroom:

Easy access to educational material:

Smart classroom has access to electronic gadgets with the help of these gadgets students can have access to any study material at any time. Students can get more advanced information on any study topic. He can then explain it better.

More interaction:

By using Smart classroom formats, students can better interact with each other. They will feel free. Teachers will create different online quizzes or tests to keep engaged the students in the entire lecture. Their performance also improved in study.


Smart classroom help the students to explore their qualities in a better way. Students do more creative things. Students can generate their own concepts by reading a lot of material about any topic. 


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