5 Skills and Habits Every Successful eCommerce Manager Should Have


The internet has become a powerful tool for businesses. And when you think about it, it’s more than logical that many organizations would want to use this power. It has affected every niche and market – from big corporations like EUcalls to eCommerce platforms that have significantly grown in the last several years. 

Online shopping especially has experienced major popularity. If there were still people who enjoyed shopping in physical stores more, they also turned to online shopping during the pandemic. This has established the eCommerce market as one of our time’s most profitable and exciting industries.

However, with its growing popularity also grows the competition. And if you’ve created your platform just by yourself and have noticed an incredible growth of your platform, you may need extra hands to handle the success. Not getting an eCommerce manager that can help raise your platform to the next level is a mistake many business owners make. But believe us, if you leave everything on your shoulders, you may get into trouble soon after. So, let’s discuss how you can know that it’s time to hire a manager for your eCommerce platform and what skills and habits should your future candidate have.

When is The Time to Get an eCommerce Manager?

So, when is the exact time for getting a manager? It entirely depends on your situation. As we mentioned above, managers can be especially helpful for those eCommerce merchants operating their platform all by themselves. If you’re one of them, then maybe it’s time for you to consider hiring a manager.

In the next case, you may face an unexpected increase in your sales if you notice that you can’t handle all the sales alone.

In other words, the best time is when you feel like you need a manager. Now let’s see what skills and habits a good eCommerce manager should have.

Must-Have Skills an Excellent eCommerce Manager Should Have

  1. Knowing How to Test and Measure

Good eCommerce managers know that data and analytics are the only reliable source of information. They can’t make decisions based on their personal beliefs and predictions. Managers should clearly understand their customers behavior and act according to their needs. That’s why skills of testing and measuring results are crucial for managers.

Luckily, analyzing eCommerce platforms is pretty simple, especially for professionals. With eCommerce platforms, you can always plan and make decisions based on your past performance. You can see how users interact with your platform, what products catch their attention more, and on what pages they spend more time. This can all help with future growth and will give the manager a leg up if they plan on introducing a partner campaign like an affiliate program or referral program in the future.

It’s also important to learn from past results and data. So, make sure your managers make future decisions based on past performances.

     2. Having an Experience in Selling on Marketplaces

Although the way eCommerce platforms work is pretty easy to grasp, selling on other marketplaces can be pretty challenging. And chances are that you will also want to have your products on other platforms. 

So, when hiring a manager, you must ensure they know how marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy operate. You’re more likely doomed if your manager doesn’t know basic information like how to invoice customers or add a listing. After all, knowing different marketplaces is one of the main requirements of managers.

    3. Having Knowledge About Marketing

When it comes to online businesses, digital marketing is your moving force. You can achieve great heights with a good marketing tactic or fail miserably because of a bad one. 

It’s also important to note that everything from content creation to social media advertisement is included in marketing. This means that your future manager should be able to develop a marketing campaign for your every promotional platform. 

They must know about SEO optimization, Social Media Management, and copywriting, or they can’t check and track your performance on different platforms. Alternatively, you can choose to work with a proven SEO consultant or expert.

        4. Knowing How to Work With a Management System

As you’ve learned by now, there is a lot on your manager’s shoulders. 

They have many responsibilities – from promotions to finding new hires for your growing business. And sometimes, it can feel like one person can’t have so much responsibility on their shoulders(and often that’s true).

Luckily, many tools and technologies can help your future manager maximize productivity

They should know how to use enterprise software if they want to automate and track repetitive tasks. Or, they may need a recruitment management system to find future hires for your business. So make sure to find a manager that is not a technology noob and can operate nearly every tool.

         5. Controlling Your Stock

Stock management is crucial for the success of your online business. You may think that having excess is the go-to strategy. However, nothing is that simple. 

Too much excess can get you into major problems. You risk getting your money frozen if your products don’t sell as well as you’ve planned. 

On the other hand, the lack of products can also damage your business. You may lose most of your customers if your most popular products are always out of stock.

So, the only risk-control you can have is a knowledgeable person who knows how to manage your stocks. A great manager will always track your performance and sales and plan ahead of time. This way, you won’t have to worry about having too much of none of your products in your stocks.

Final Thoughts

If you’re constantly struggling to keep up with your eCommerce platform’s sales, promotions, and performance, then maybe you need some extra hands to lift the weight off your shoulders. As you know by now, eCommerce managers can be the ones who save the day and become the help you so need. 

Getting a manager doesn’t mean that you lack in something. It’s just a way to always keep your business on top of the game. 

If you’ve decided it’s time to get a manager, read our checklist of requirements and skills and make sure that your future hire meets them. 


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