Medicine Studies, Choice of School and Benefits of Internship


Not everyone who wants to study medicine is lucky enough to get a place at university right away. Often a long wait and collection of so-called waiting semesters is the reality. If the grade is not sufficient, up to 14 waiting semesters – i.e. 7 years – can pass before you can start your studies. But who wants to be a burden to their parents for years or kill time with boring part-time jobs when there is a much better solution?


Medical studies can look back on a long history. Medicmind Australia wants to give you an overview of the study today – from A for requirements to Z for admission as a doctor.

Human medicine is one of the most demanding subjects of all. In order to be successful in medical studies and afterward, medical students should have the appropriate skills and interests in addition to the tough entry requirements.

According to the current licensing regulations, medical studies should prepare prospective doctors for “comprehensive health care for the population”. The contents of the study of human medicine are correspondingly comprehensive. Interest in biology, chemistry, anatomy, and physiology as well as psychological contexts are just a few of the subjects for which prospective medical students should definitely have an interest and, at best, good prior knowledge from school.

Ideally, the thirst for knowledge should not stop even after completing medical studies, because good doctors keep up to date with the latest scientific developments. And since new things are regularly researched here, participation in further training courses and lectures is simply part of the job from time to time – even if there is no obligation to do so.

Medical students should also have a certain level of social competence and empathy for later work with patients. At the same time, however, emotional distance should also be maintained, because prospective doctors will inevitably come into contact with many serious illnesses and fates.

Choice of Medical School

Once you have decided to study medicine, you need to choose the right university. Due to the high number of applicants with comparatively few places available, it is not certain that you will be able to study medicine at the University of your choice, but you can indicate up to 6 location preferences when applying.

Reputation, curriculum and specialization opportunities

The study of medicine is bound to the licensing regulations for physicians – there are nevertheless differences. Therefore, pay attention to what special features there are in the curriculum, what additional offers the universities offer and what opportunities there are to set individual priorities during your studies.

Of course, the reputation of the university also plays a role. On the other hand, you shouldn’t just look at it if the medical degree offered doesn’t otherwise correspond to your personal inclinations.

Internships in the field of medicine

A sensible way of bridging the waiting time is training in the medical field. In this article, we tell you the advantages of this solution and tell you how this emergency solution can become a clever move.

The training occupations in the medical field include, for example, the following:

  • Health and Nurse
  • Nurse
  • Paramedic
  • Physiotherapist
  • Geriatric nurse
  • Midwife
  • Surgical Technical Assistant (OTA)
  • Medical-technical assistant (MTA)

Benefits of an Internships

Gain experience now

Although you cannot shorten semesters with an education in the medical field, there are many advantages to gaining experience in patient care early on. Dealing with patients, doctors, and nursing is often much easier for medical students and young doctors if they already have professional experience in the medical field. The knowledge of organizational processes, the ability to separate the important from the unimportant, and the necessary social skills that patient care requires are valuable skills that can only benefit you in your studies and work.

Part-time job while studying? No problem!

During their studies, many physicians supplement their pocket money with part-time jobs. If you already have training in the medical field in your pocket, you can easily find a part-time job in a clinic or with the rescue service. This offers a contrast to theoretical studies, keeps your own skills fresh, and also provides you with numerous contacts that can be valuable for clinical traineeships, internships, or starting a career.

Nursing internship? Free!

The 90-day nursing internship that must be completed by every medical student in the pre-clinic can be credited to some training courses in the medical field. Simply ask the responsible state examination office, as the rules vary depending on the federal state. This gives you 90 days more time to study, work or just relax during the semester break.

Realistic impression

Training in the medical field not only provides valuable prior knowledge but also a realistic impression of everyday work in a hospital. Demanding situations, shift work, physical and mental stress, hierarchies, and intensive interaction with people are simply part of it. Anyone who cannot get used to everyday life during their training may not be qualified to become a doctor. It is then better to break off an Internship than to find out after a long course of study that the desired profession does not correspond to your own personality at all. Check it more

Tax benefits

The financial advantage comes at the end: If the waiting time to study medicine is bridged with an Internship, you can save money before you start your studies – be it for the study itself or for savings products that will benefit you later.

The biggest bonus, however, is this: If you have already completed vocational training, you can fully claim the costs for the second training (in this case medical studies) as income-related expenses in your tax return. Since studying medicine is long and expensive, it really pays off. It is important to consistently collect evidence during your studies, for example for textbooks and other learning materials.

Even if you don’t get a place at university right away, you don’t have to let your head hang down. The alternative training offers many attractive advantages and can turn out to be a hidden blessing in retrospect. We wish you every success with your application!


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