Mean vs MERN stack: Which Tech Stack Is The Most Suitable For Your Business?

Mean vs MERN stack

Regardless of their size or industry niche, web apps have become a standard method for all enterprises. As a result, organizations outsource web app development to mobile and web app development companies. Several tech stacks have flooded the web development market. And the argument over which Stack is the best is never-ending. MERN and MEAN stack are two of the most talked-about topics right now. The most common question regarding those stacks is which tech stack is better between MERN and MEAN, and every developer or businessperson must be heard. This article will evaluate which stacks are most suitable for your business.

What is MEAN Stack?

MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js make up the MEAN acronym. MEAN Stack is a framework for creating mobile and web apps that are adaptable. It’s a JavaScript-based open-source software stack. Based on JavaScript, the MEAN stack may be used to create a wide range of applications, including native and hybrid mobile and online apps. It uses Angular JS, a structural framework for some of the most dynamic mobile and online apps available. The MEAN stack contains all the tools and plugins required for smooth and efficient app development and you can use companies which provide MEAN stack development services.

What is MERN Stack?

The MERN stack is another good open-source tech stack that can be classified as a full-stack development technology. MongoDB, Express.js, ReactJS, and Node.js are the acronyms for MERN. The MERN stack allows developers to create hybrid mobile and web apps. The MERN stack is a collection of JavaScript-based frameworks that make development easier. The MERN stack is quickly becoming the technology of choice for many developers since it provides an end-to-end developer framework. So the demand for MERN stack development company has also risen recently.

Seven Main Distinctions Between MEAN and MERN Stacks

1) Learning Curve:

As Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB have a lot of documentation and are also quite popular, there are a lot of resources for learning them rapidly. Regarding the learning curve, there is no discernible difference between MEAN and MERN Stack. AngularJS and ReactJS are the only two technologies that matter. AngularJS is a Typescript and JavaScript framework. The learning curve for Angular is likely to be more challenging, while ReactJS is a lot easier.

2) MVC Support:

If you’re looking forward to building an enterprise-level app like LinkedIn with MVC architecture support, the MEAN stack is the best option. However, if you want to manage code in a simple manner, you can go with MERN since its component-based approach helps with faster development.  

3) Advance and Simple UI: 

The MERN stack provides smooth UI rendering. AngularJS, on the other hand, provides a well-structured framework to support an MVW or MVC design. Furthermore, an intermediate layer separates the UI code from the database in these systems, making it easier to update and manage the code. It’s also one of the reasons why MEAN stack development is favoured for enterprise-level app development.

4) Scalability And Security:

Both stacks are pretty dependable in terms of security because they provide a high level of protection. So, you may use one of these two stacks for your commercial application. However, the MERN stack surpasses the MEAN stack in terms of scalable solutions since it provides greater scalability for web app development. 

5) CRUD (Create, Read, Delete, and Update):

You can construct and extend CRUD from the beginning to the conclusion of an app using the MERN stack. React.js, part of the tech stack, manages rapid data changes and delivers an appealing user experience. MERN is an excellent framework for developing SPAs. It’s one of the ideal options for creating a CRUD-based online application. 

6) Third-Party Support: 

When developing enterprise applications, third-party libraries and modules are frequently used. MEAN includes AngularJS, which offers built-in functionality for HTTP calls and integrates with the back-end. On the other hand, such functionality is only attainable with the help of large libraries. Third-party extensions are plug-and-play for the MEAN stack, whereas performing the same MERN requires additional setups.

7) Productivity: 

Since the MEAN stack is an entire framework, AngularJS in the MEAN stack is more productive than the MERN stack because it includes a CLI with valuable features and tools for faster development. Third-party libraries are required for React JS in the MERN stack, which results in low productivity.


It’s difficult to choose between the MEAN and MERN stacks because they each have advantages and disadvantages. MEAN will perform better in some circumstances, whereas MERN will be more appropriate for your company’s services. However, selecting the required technology stack based on your requirements is preferable. You should carefully analyze these technology stacks’ qualities and capabilities while choosing the modern quality for your mobile application project or hire a mobile app developer in India.



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