Informational Guide to Perform Rockspace WiFi Extender Login

Rockspace WiFi Extender

Have you performed Rockspace wifi extender setup at your home? Well done. Now, the next step in line is to tweak the settings of your wireless range extender. And that can be done only if you perform Rock space login. Wondering how you can do that? It’s quite simple. All you need do is, go through the simple to understand steps covered in this post. Read on.

How to Perform Rockspace WiFi Extender Login?

  • Plug your Rock space wireless range extender into a socket.
  • Press and hold the power button.
  • Thereafter, connect your devices.
  • You can do so either using a wired or wireless source.
  • Switch on your laptop.
  • Open any web browser that you prefer.
  • Then, you are required to insert the default web address in the field location above.
  • Hit Enter.
  • Once you have accessed the Rock space extender login page, enter the admin details.
  • Click Log In.
  • The Rock space extender setup wizard will appear with some prompts.
  • Follow them and complete the process of Rock space WiFi extender login.

Although this process won’t trouble you, in case, it does, then wait no more to walk through the troubleshooting hacks highlighted by us below.

Can’t Rockspace WiFi Extender Login?

1. Check the Power Supply

The first thing that you need to check is whether your Rock space range extender is getting an adequate power supply from its wall socket or not. If it isn’t, then that is probably because the wall socket is damaged.
To troubleshoot the issue, we recommend that you plug your Rock space wireless extender into a different and non-damaged wall socket.

2. Verify the Connection

If you have connected your devices with the help of a wireless source, make sure that the distance between them is not immense. Otherwise, their WiFi signals will take ages to get transmitted properly.
In case your devices are connected via an Ethernet cable, ensure that the connection between them is finger-tight. Apart from that, see to it that the cable has no damages on or in it. If it does, swap it with a brand new one.

3. Eliminate WiFi Interference

Cordless phones, mirrors, washing machines, fish tanks, baby monitors, refrigerators, Bluetooth speakers, microwave ovens, treadmills, aluminium studs, televisions, corners, concrete walls, and utensils containing water should not be kept near your Rock space wireless range extender.
The reason being, such things can interfere or sometimes, block the signals emitted by your Rock space extender. Thus, take the necessary action.

4. Use the Correct Web Address

Ensure that you have used the correct web address to access the Rockspace WiFi extender setup page. Apart from that, see to it that the address has not been typed in the search bar of your existing browser. Otherwise, you won’t be redirected to the website that you wish to be taken to.

5. Enter the Right Admin Details

Last, but not least, entering the correct username and password is very important if you want to successfully perform Rock space WiFi extender login. Therefore, make no mistake while inserting them.
If you don’t know what the default admin details of your device are, it is also recommended that you refer to the ones given in the user manual.

Final Thoughts

Performing Rock space WiFi extender login is important if you want to tweak the settings of your device. We hope that the aforementioned guidelines helped you to log in to your device with ease. On the off chance, you are still experiencing issues while doing so, then take our advice and perform Rockspace WiFi extender reset process. Trust us; this hack will surely help you rectify the issue that you are facing.

Also Read- Informational Guide to Change Linksys Extender Admin Password


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