Ichai-chai suru to okane ga waichau futari no hanashi



In this article, we will be discussing the story of a couple who ran out of money after living together for a while. It is a very common problem that many couples face, and it can be quite stressful. We hope that by sharing this story Ichai-chai, we can help others who are in a similar situation.

The story begins with the couple living together and doing well financially.

However, after a while, they start to run into money problems. They begin to argue about money and how to spend it. Eventually, they decide to separate and live apart.

Although this story has a sad ending, we hope that it will help others who are facing similar problems. We want to encourage couples to communicate with each other about their finances, so that they can avoid the same mistakes.

If you are facing financial problems in your relationship, we hope that this article will help you.

This is the end of the article.

This blog article is about a couple who ran into financial trouble after only a few months of living together. The man, Ichai, had recently lost his job and was struggling to find work. The woman, chai, was working part-time jobs to try and make ends meet. However, they were still falling behind on their bills and other expenses. Eventually, they decided to move back in with their respective parents in order to save money. This decision caused a lot of conflict between the two of them, as they both felt like they were giving up on their dream of living independently. However, after some time apart, they were able to work through their differences and decided to move back in together. They now have a better understanding of their finances and are working towards getting out of debt.

What is ichaichai suru to okane ga waichau futari no hanashi

Ichai-chai suru to okane ga waichau futari no hanashi” is a Japanese phrase that literally means “If we spend money, our money will disappear.” This phrase is often used to describe the financial situation of a couple where one person is spending more money than the other.

In this case, the phrase is used to describe a situation where two people are spending money and the money is disappearing.

Detailed Explanation

There are many things that can cause money to disappear from our lives. One of the biggest is when we have to pay for things we don’t need. For example, let’s say you and your partner go out to eat at a restaurant. You both order different entrees and drinks. When the bill comes, you find that your partner has ordered a drink that is twice as expensive as yours. You end up paying more than half of the bill even though you only ate one meal.

This happens all the time in relationships. We often find ourselves picking up the slack for our partner’s bad decisions. It can be very frustrating, especially if we feel like they don’t appreciate our efforts.

If you’re in a relationship where you feel like you’re always having to bail your partner out financially, it’s important to talk about it. Money is one of the biggest sources of stress in relationships, so it’s crucial to open up about how you’re feeling. Otherwise, resentment will continue to build until it explodes.

If you’re not in a relationship, this principle still applies. Be mindful of the financial decisions you make. If you’re always having to ask your friends for money or borrowing money from them, it’s time to reevaluate your spending habits.

Remember, your financial wellbeing is just as important as your physical and mental wellbeing. Don’t let money problems destroy your relationships. Talk about it openly and honestly with the people in your life.


Ichai-chai suru to okane ga waichau futari no hanashi” is a popular Japanese saying that means “if you spend money on two people, you’ll end up losing money.” The saying is often used to warn people against spending too much money on unnecessary things.

While the saying may be true in some cases, it’s important to remember that there are also times when it’s okay to spend a little extra money on someone else. After all, sometimes the best way to show someone you care is by giving them a thoughtful gift.

In conclusion, while “Ichai-chai suru to okane ga waichau futari no hanashi” is a popular saying, it’s important to remember that there are also times when it’s okay to spend a little extra money on someone else.


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