How Video Analytics Provides License Plate Recognition

video analytics ALPR recognition

Vehicle license plates differ. Even in the same country or state, you’ll find different types. If it’s as simple as pointing a camera at vehicle license plates, everyone would easily do it.

The truth is that it isn’t straightforward without video analytics ALPR recognition. Without specialized automatic vehicle license plate cameras, your system’s input can be seriously compromised. So, how does video analytics provide license plate recognition? Let’s find out.

Video Analytics in Details

License plate recognition requires unique video analytic software that can identify the characters and letters on a license plate and then translate them into a digital format. It manages to convert these characters and letters through the help of an optical character recognition engine.

The software uses multiple algorithms to deconstruct the captured image and produce an outcome within a second. When the camera is perfectly connected to a server with video analytics, it’s ready to capture the vehicle license plate credential data.

When an organization uses a video analytics face recognition system, the software is usually integrated with the employee database to only offer permission and access to recognized workers.

Since workers don’t need to show their IDs to an attendant, punch in an access code, or a card reader, the stop-and-go traffic amount is lessened. What this means is that traffic moves smoothly.

If you need an innovative payment system for a garage or a parking lot, video analytics ALPR recognition is a vital tool. It eradicates the need for tickets, which can easily become unreliable or get lost.

The system also takes note of the correct times vehicles, and people enter and leave the facility. In terms of parking, it helps calculate accurate fees that help thwart clients who may try to dispute their payments.

What’s More About Video Analytics ALPR Recognition?

A video analytics ALPR recognition system comes with the ability to identify and track cars by data about the automobiles in addition to the license plate information. For each license plate recognized, video analytics can also capture:

  • Direction of travel
  • Speed
  • Brand
  • Color

This information proves important for reporting purposes and forensic investigations. Also, it plays a key role when it comes to analyzing factors like frequency of visits and length of stay.

Video analytics license plate recognition is increasingly becoming a popular tool in various industries. It supports a massive range of applications enabling governments and organizations to:

  • Make effective and intelligent policies
  • Provide better customer service
  • Minimize air pollution

Do you want to enhance security, automatize and digitize your parking operation or control access to premises? A video analytics automatic license plate recognition system has got you covered. Remember to work with a leading provider.


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