How Exercise Can Reduce Pain in Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis?


One of the most common signs of arthritis is pain in joints, limited mobility, and decreased quality of life. The most common symptoms of arthritis are stiffness and swelling in the joints. These conditions often get worse with time.

Rheumatoid arthritis (also known as osteoarthritis) and osteoarthritis are the most common types of the disease. The common disease of the joints has seen pharmacy innovation, but many drugs can have unwelcome side effects. Recent scientific evidence suggests that there are ways to provide arthritis pain relief without using medications.

One option for treatment for osteoarthritis is known as vibration therapy. This treatment is done on vibrating plates that produce high-frequency mechanical oscillations. We’ll be discussing the benefits of this exercise in more detail.

Is Vibration Therapy Effective For Arthritis?

Vibration therapy (VT) is also known by the term whole-body vibration (WBV) and is performed on a vibrating machine. The vibrating plate emits high-frequency vibrations. These vibrations are usually between 5 and 40Hz. However, the ideal frequency range to avoid pain is much slower, between 1 and 16 Hz. These mechanical oscillations move through the body, benefitting almost all areas.

A vibration machine for elderly is a good way to help people exercise safely and effectively. They provide gentle vibration that is beneficial for the joints.

Do Vibrations Make Arthritis Worse?

The most common issues for people with arthritis include decreased bone density or loss of muscle mass. Both conditions have been shown to adversely impact the quality of living and conventional arthritis therapy. Plus, people with arthritis experience greater pain if their bone density is low. This situation also presents a greater risk of fractures and bone loss.

A low bone density has been linked to reduced mobility. This can lead to arthritic disorders symptoms worsening. To manage the joint disease, it is essential to have a high bone mineral density and adequate muscle tissue volume. Vibration therapy for arthritis can make these two aspects much more manageable.

It Is Important To Note That Vibration Does Nothing To Make Arthritis Worse. Here’s How:

Bone Mineral Density – Many arthritis patients have additional pain and mobility problems. Low bone mineral density can worsen symptoms and increase the severity of arthritis. VT has been shown in studies to increase osteoblast production – cells that are responsible for the formation of new bones. This is essential for reducing the risk of developing arthritis and preventing further bone loss.

Muscle Mass – Vibration Therapy for Arthritis can be performed using a machine called the vibration plate. The vibration plate emits high-frequency vibrations that travel through your body as you stand, lie down, or sit on it. It will force your muscles to work harder to keep your body balanced and upright. The end result is a higher rate of muscle contractions than regular exercise. This will eventually lead to increased muscle mass, and more muscle power.

How Can Vibration Be Beneficial To Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy Physical Therapy?

Rheumatoidarthia (RA), a medical condition, is characterized as ongoing pain, swelling in joints, and limited movement. A reduced ability to move can cause further reductions in bone mineral density or bone mass. This results in decreased quality of your life as well as difficulty with daily tasks.

Regular physical activity is one of the most effective treatments for RA symptoms. Patients suffering from RA may have trouble performing regular exercises. This is where whole-body vibration comes in. The vibration plate assisting with  rheumatoid arthritis has been thoroughly studied for over ten years. The results are promising.



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